
Steam itself isn’t DRM. It’s like saying that a site you bought software from is DRM because you have to go back there and download the software from them again if you want it later or are required to be logged in with their software to use it. Steam, itself, does not do that.

Yup. And I am currently playing through it. I can totally see why people love it. I actually thought it would feel more dated than it is but it holds up pretty well visually due to the art style, the VA work is great and the gameplay and area design definitely feels PS2 era but it still works quite nicely. I’ve been

Yeah, I’m there with you. I’ve played CS for years and I don’t get how it’s that great either. The reason is it was mostly luck with lightning striking twice. This is something you do in a pub or a ranked match that has almost no chance of success. I mean, it’s lucky and it’s cool for what it is. But for it to be

The main issue with copying OW has nothing to do with the character designs and everything to do with them radically changing the gameplay, modes and features that went from what Paladins was not too terribly long ago (I played it quite a bit) to what it is now.

As a person who first played Gears with the recent re-release and I just finished Gears 2 (both with a buddy) I am excited to head into 3, probably skip Judgement, and get into this one. The difference between 1 and 2 in regards to gameplay and environment design is pretty massive. I’d wager that 3 is even more

You can make good games for a console that got most of it’s sales due to a gimmick. Saying it has a gimmick which made it sell to grandparents, parents, church groups as opposed to mostly “gamers” doesn’t take away that it had some good games. But the motion controls were, IMO, rarely ever implemented right and was

Haha. Well he did change the clip that was originally in the story to match the .gif now. So all is well in the world :)

Really? The Final Fantasy series, MGS series, RE series, Silent Hill series, the Tomb Raider series, Twisted Metal series, Symphony of the Night, Xenogears and quite a few others don’t come to mind or get brought up? I read/talk about a lot of them constantly. Most of those are no longer exclusives to a single

One of the things that I know doesn’t hold up today, despite the PSX having a LOT of classica games, is the load time. That absolutely kills my love of a lot of the PSX classics. Load times are still a thing today...in fact, I’d say they have gotten worse in some cases but at least many of them are disguised heavily

Yup. That’s what I don’t get with people who cite the Wii as being the best (as in biggest seller) of it’s generation. It had a gimmick and it was super cheap because they went cheap on the tech that went into it. Soccer Mom’s and grandparents bought it for the novelty/utility of the movement controls (exercise

You have made up this world where simple economics don’t exist and it’s all to fuel your apparent hatred of gamers and game companies getting paid because people want to see those games being played at a high level. I’m pretty confused by this. Are you also against more traditional sports? It’s literally the same

I’m not sure the Twitch clip at the bottom of the story matches the story so much. I thought it was a clip version of the play in the gif but it’s just a boosted Reinhardt doing what boosted Reinhardt’s do.

It’s definitely a game that is supposed to be old school simplicity so I can see why some people love it and a few others would be left wanting more. I am personally in the wanting more category. I’d love to have seen this game been more of a Metroidvania game as opposed to the simple early Castlevania only approach

Everyone mentioned that it can be purchased on the Windows 10 store which is correct. However, you do have to make sure you have the Win10 Anniversary update as well which is build 1607. You can right click the windows button and go to Run and then type in winver and hit enter. It should show you your version of

People are paid when they fill stadiums and entertain people at home on their couches. That’s the way things worked for a very long time. It’s not very hard to understand that if you want that to remain stable so that people can remain excited about new events, buy more merchandise and watch those

I don’t care that they look similar. That’s fine. However, the game played entirely different at launch. Virtually all weapons in the game had some kind of travel time so there was no hitscan that I can recall. Also, the card system was purely RNG. You unlocked cards and then you randomly got those cards as the game

Yup, I completely agree with this assessment. They lost their focus on what people loved in order to try to expand into multiplayer and it just made all of it less focused and good for myself.

Nope. It’s entirely an ethics thing. It would be like you copying virtually everything your neighbor did in their front yard and telling everyone the whole thing was your idea and design. It’s not illegal. But it’s pretty damn rude and unethical.

Funny enough, and espite the lawsuit (which I got money for oddly despite not caring), SotC’s PS3 version was one of the very few games that you could stream to your Vita from a PS3. I even tried it over the internet which went better than expected.

Do you know how many games I have bought due to me being able to see a real person play a game I’m interested in but on the fence about due to the lack of good content to make a sound personal judgement? It’s a lot.