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Marlow Briggs and the Mask of Death obviously! And I’m being serious. This is so campy and awesome as a game it could make a campy and awesome movie.

Bioshock would be hard to get right but I would love to see somebody who cares about the source material try. Dishonored, I think, would be easier to get right but could get stuck in a too serious rut with a “saw that coming from a mile away story” when it’s adapted.

I’m not quite sure you know what salty means. If you say something stupid and people call you on it that doesn’t mean they are salty. It just means you said something stupid and are now attempting to save face by saying it’s salty.

Heh. I went to a local store this morning as it was opening to buy a 1080 and I didn’t get one because there were a ton of people waiting and almost all of them were ebay scalpers. Even with a max limit of 2 to purchase they sold out before I got one. So yeah, triggered + blue balls of almost but not quite having that

The lower tick rate isn’t so players who aren’t that good can pull off some shots they didn’t deserve. It’s simple resources. Going from 20 tick to 60 doesn’t seem like much...but then you multiply that by every single server running every single game for millions of players and you start to see just how much of a

Naught Dog was also responsible for one of the worst (but still likeable) fighting games of all time on the much maligned 3DO. Way of the Warrior.

That’s DX12 and only one game is really using it in that capacity...and it’s just an RTS game. It will take years before games start using DX12 like that as the tech isn’t super solidified yet and games need to be developed from the ground up with it in mind...and games take 2-5 years to develop.

This article has nothing to do with the operating system. It’s finished and not only stable but incredibly stable. It’s also the most used gaming OS on Steam stats. The article is talking about UWP gaming apps that are sold through the MS Store that is a competitor to Steam. The only thing they have in common is the

It might not have been an immediate axing. Most people don’t get fired for asking a dumb question regardless of where you come from. It’s quite possible the guy had a history of it and was finally dismissed for it.

Yeah. I was reading this article and I’m not sure why this isn’t simply being viewed as a bug. Everything points to it being a bug/oversight and something that will hopefully be patched soon. But the article reads like this was intentional and bad communication from From Software. Weird.

I think you need to not only take your own advice and re-read the article but also take a moment to understand it. They developed new tech for the game. It was being tested in the closed beta and obviously it had some issues. They are delaying the game to fix these issues. This has all been known/in the game for a

I love how you’re trying to completely dismiss how you responded in both tone and in identifying what I was asking while also being a “google it” dick. The fact that you need to end your response with a “Good day, ‘Murica” as if you just TOTALLY SICK BURNED ME pretty much tells me the type of person you are. You were

Well, that won’t really ever happen without a huge policy shift. Even though DRM is stupid and helps nothing it’s something GoG does not offer for companies who insist on it. Where on the other hand Steam is friendly to DRM and DRM-free companies (Steam is not DRM...Steamworks has an option to include DRM but it’s

I haven’t been to the site in a while so I responded when I saw the comment. Do you think there is some arbitrary time that people have to abide by when responding to you or something? Sorry, but responding to stupidity has time expiration.

Thank you. I have no experience with the N64 version and that clears up my questions quite nicely. I thought it was a port and I knew there had to be a good reason to mod it rather than the original games. Your answer clears it up quite nicely!

Uhh, what? My post clearly states that I know that the game is an N64 game. My question was why go from modding the full PC version to a console version of the game.

I’m curious since I don’t know the difference. But why would the guy be interested in modding Doom64? I mean, other than he can and it’s fun for him? Is there something special about Doom64 that the PC versions don’t have? I never played Doom64 so I’m ignorant on this topic. It’s just kind of weird to go from modding

I just watched some of the Doom RPG and that was not Doom. The part I watched looked like a guy grinding for XP by running the same thing. All with music that didn’t fit and sounded pretty dumb for a Doom game. Oh, and a default pistol that reloads? The parts I watched only had you facing enemies only about 10% of the

I’m not certain you even read the article. There was a rule that was passed not long ago that he wasn’t aware of and he’s currently stuck in Canada due to that rule. He wasn’t detained and he isn’t being denied entry for anything he made. Just that he visited Iraq somewhat recently and due to the new’ish rule he

Wow, this report totally missed the boat on throwing in a Vita memory card joke. For shame!!