
Hard to compare considering they are entirely different genre of games and types of experiences. Both will be pretty awesome. Right now I am definitely more impressed with Scalebound but that’s mostly because I like “spectacle combat” games quite a bit and Scalebound was just oozing Devil May Cry attitude, look and

The Western SE companies are doing the right thing. However, the SE in charge of the FF titles is not. The PC ports of FF7, FF8, FF13 and FF13-2 have been pretty awful. Many promises were made and few of them were kept with those titles. The user community has had to fix, as best they could, all of them. Everything

No but you can get all the mods that offer most of the same support.

Hori is now the cheaper brand of fightsticks. TE2 and Razer sticks are all $200 for the new consoles and the Hori is $150. This probably has something to do with them using their own stick and buttons (the former being pretty good but the latter being fairly divisive). They also still have not fixed their damn cable

What is the logic behind that? Also, did you even read what I wrote?

Since they are going light on the content with the base game I hope they decide to lower the price and put it more in the Killer Instinct territory of $20-30 for the base game. $60 is pretty hefty for a game they want people to pay for then transition to free to play. I don’t mind what they are doing as KI has proven

At least many of them will have a PC and typically it doesn’t take a hefty PC to play a fighting game. So it’s not optimal but at least there is a good shot a lot of XB1 owners who do not also want to purchase a PS4 might still have a PC since that’s fairly common.

I have no desire to spend time writing reviews for bad games. That’s my point. Myself and many others are not going to take the time to write a bad review for a game that isn’t fun because it’s a waste of time. If I was trying to write tons of reviews and be completely unbiased then I’d definitely be writing reviews

Because they scammed everyone, made a not so great game that was focused on mobile and didn’t rake in the microtransation cash they wanted, started running out of money so they are working on something new and hoping people will buy it while trying to placate the people they scammed in an effort to not get sued.

I tend to only take the time to write a review for a game that I truly enjoy and plan to continue playing. The bad games I simply uninstall and never think about again. And I’d wager there are many like myself out there which the devs were banking on to ensure the game came out with A LOT of positive reviews...plus

Counter-Strike is becoming a lot like many sports in it being timeless. The amount of time the game has been around has proven this and, like real sports, it’s evovled a bit as time goes on.

You see that because it’s what you choose to see. And a lot of time people are just joking or even trolling and you’re not recognizing it and instead just want to label people. You are not being open minded. You’re just acting like an immature person promoting another stupid stereotype by being judgemental. Again,

I don’t understand people who want to say things like this. Broad generalizations where you try to belittle one ‘team’ or another is just flat dumb and typically wrong.

No. I am pointing out that a person on the internet shared an opinion that is rather dumb and childish, which is ironic due to the content of your comment, and you want to get an ego pat because you’re better than the people you describe. In short you sound like an asshole.

You’re right. That sounds crazy, not economical and definitely not a sane choice. I’d say it has more to do with last generations overheating issues and MS simply not wanting to take any chances at all with the release model and then revise again later with smaller models that have been tested longer. Also, the PS4 is

This is all expected. Games, especially MP games like this, are literally created to try and pull as much money out of people’s pockets while creating the least amount of content possible (cost saving). These games are designed in a way not to be fun (it’s a side effect) but because it creates a psychological tension

We got an internet tough guy over here everyone!!

I don’t think it’s sane to legitimately sabotage the looks of your launch system you want to move millions of, especially in countries like Japan where smaller is better due to space, just to update it later and make it smaller. So, yeah, I doubt that :)

MS definitely over-compensated on the size to guarantee they would not have heat issues that lead to all the red-ringing in the 360’s. Especially considering PS4’s aren’t failing and it’s drastically smaller with nearly identical hardware in it. MS was certainly taking the better safe than sorry route since the red

Well, it is emulated. Fully emulated. The XB1 is is fully x86 based and the 360 is PowerPC. So, just knowing that information, you know it’s full emulation. We don’t know how many issues might be present in games because of it. Especially if we are seeing some games get better performance...what does that mean when