
That's a really odd thing to say considering that your PC can be hooked up to that same TV and pretty much every game supports controllers. And for those that don't you can use a small comfy lapdesk that holds your keyboard and mouse. That's exactly what I do. I have my PC sitting in the same setup as my PS4, XB1,

I have a private account add me every day. It's exactly one account every single day.

This is a pretty common theme in CS ranked matches and it gets pretty old after a while. Especially when somebody starts yelling and another person gets pissed and starts yelling. Luckily muting is easy.

There is an HD texture pack for the game. I actually played all the way through on my WiiU but I also have a TV that does scaling really well and cleans up images nicely. So things weren't that bad compared to my other TV and monitor where everything looked ridiculously ugly. But if you switch to PC then get the HD

I actually just picked that up as a PS1 classic on PS3. I played the demo and loved it years and years ago but I never got to play the full game. Should I be scared? :)

The graphics are a bit odd. They are like advanced PS2 graphics in general but then the hugely open world is like nothing you ever saw on the PS2 and really not like anything anywhere else either. Sure, there have been big open worlds created before on more current systems but nothing to the scope and scale of this

Eh, most of the negativity surrounding the guy is pretty well deserved. Sure, he comes off as a nice guy. But he has a long and very very well documented history of lying to the point where he's believe to simply be a habitual liar. Go watch Jim Sterling's Jimquisition episode that was recently put up about the guy

Yeah, SNK a couple of years ago put up job listings for people to come work on a 3D engine fighter. Most everyone then believe KoF14 would be a 3D engine game. And it makes sense in many ways. At first it takes a bit more effort to build but once you have the assets built they can be used very easily and changed

I would totally be game for a Guilty Gear XRD look for SF. Hell, bring back the Alpha series which was very anime inspired anyway and give it the XRD treatment. I like the SF4 style personally and I really love how SF5 is starting to look but I am definitely onboard with a throwback alpha look with the XRD

Yup. I think a lot of people simply want the aesthetics that have always been in the main line SF series changed to something different. Some want a complete overhaul in how the characters look and others want anatomy proportions changed (mostly just made more normal looking).

The art style is somewhat similar to 4 but the looks of the characters have changed a good amount. Ryu in SF4 and then in SF5 look quite a bit different. However, the animations are ridiculous in SF5. If you think SF5 animations look like SF4 animations then, well, I don't know what to say. SF5 has crazy crazy

I guess you also prefer going to watch Tee-Ball instead of a professional baseball game too?

I owned the Super Scope 6 and it was absolutely terrible. It had to be reconfigured constantly, wasn't all that accurate (compared to the NES light gun) and it was big and awkward making you feel a bit dumb using it. I, like many kids, fell for the hardware scam. At least I never owned a Rob or Uforce. A friend of

Did you watch the video before commenting? He was obviously laughing when he said that and his friend was cracking up pretty bad.

I am a day 1 Vita owner and I love the system. But no way should Sony do it again if they can't learn from what failed with the Vita. They included wireless tech that just sucks. Why spend all that money producing 3G models which is locked to a network type that you literally can't game on? That makes no sense at

I don't think anybody is upset with post release DLC. What people are upset by is when the DLC was obviously cherry picked from the main game. Borderlands DLC story packs were not cherry picked and the main game is amazingly long. The Bioshock Infinite DLC is not cherry picked. Those are good examples of proper

I honestly don't know how cliched the story is as I'm going entirely off of Kirk's review. It might be the most cliched thing ever where it just lays down and rolls in them thinking how cool they are (ala Destiny) or it might just have a few sprinkled in. Kirk has done pretty good reviews in the past that I've

It seems as though you are typing but don't really know what kind of point you are trying to make. Again, your other response didn't make any sense at all. I'm not sure what point you were trying to get across. I then slightly correct you with what people typically have issues with and why. You then proceed to go

They originally considered Super Mario Bros. to be an "adventure maze" game?

Shitty FPS - Check. Film grain/motion blur out the ass to the point that it impedes the player - Check. Black bars that are market spun to make it sound like the game is more cinematic when it's actually just a way to lower resolution to get adequate frame rates - Check. Terribly cliched story - Check. Not