
That truly makes no sense given the context of the conversation. I'm talking about the typical freemium model which exploits people with very specific tendencies in an attempt to fleece them of every penny they have and you bring up beer and coffee? Gambling at least sort of makes sense but gambling and gambling

Not a whole lot per individual unit. But when you're selling millions upon millions of units over the lifespan of the device it does add up. But if they exclude it and keep the official charger only available on their site they can not only save that cost but then get people (who don't realize there is a cheap 3rd

Yup. And I truly hated their reasoning by stating that they were doing it to keep costs of the new unit down. However, the unit doesn't cost $189.99. It costs $199.99. It wasn't ever going to cost $209.99 if they included a power adapter. So they did it to save money but they didn't pass along those savings to

It's one thing being upset. It's a whole other thing threatening to make sure that your mother loses her house. That is inexcusable and there is not defense for it. Any apologies made after saying something so horrible is nothing more than damage control for an obviously terrible person. If they go years without

Yeah, but those games aren't really targeted at you. They are targeted at people with impulse control problems that borderline on severe mental addiction and illness. I mean, the freemium model developers teach how and who exactly to exploit. It's a horrible model that I simply can't embrace in good conscious

Yes, I am angry because I should be and so should you. We aren't in this position because of the ACA. We are in this position because of the people and companies that balloon prices to try and get more profits and the discrimination used to ensure those expanded profits. Your anger is misplaced.

You mean preventative care that was then used against people when they were found to have legit problems and then could no longer receive insurance and be discriminated against?

I work in software development myself and we don't live in an era where you can have loyalty to your company. You can give a crazy amount of yourself to make the company as profitable as possible by doing everything you can but when they start pulling up salary data and cost projections you end up a number. I myself

Yeah, this is my viewpoint exactly. Not only does it humanize Superman during his origin story where he doesn't quite know who he is yet but it gives a ton of story options that could play out due to him being remorseful, questioning if what he did was right, others questioning him as they will see him as a killer

What I don't understand is why people were so upset with Superman killing Zod is that it makes for a great story. This was Superman's origin story. He has no clue who he is. He was raised to make choices as best he could with good family values. He was not raised as a person who wouldn't kill no matter what and

Turn off automatic updates for the game if you want to make sure that your mods continue to work and only update after the mod itself has updated. That will help people out quite a little bit who don't like things to constantly break (especially when your saves might be lost too).

Because we're talking about peoples lives. Not a car or a house or some other random stuff. Peoples lives and their inability to get care or the fear of going to get care because they can and will have their lives horribly impacted (and also pass on this impact to all of us taxpayers). Yes, it's a gamble but it

Yup, this is another one of the sad truths that people don't seem to factor in before making their opinions known. Every single medical service, including 'not for profit' hospitals (that are totally for profit), increases the amount they charge on everything by a significant amount to use as a negotiating tactic

Assuming your plan was as good as you say and not one of those "too good to be true" plans that were incredibly prevalent unbeknownst to many, you were benefiting from the targeted discrimination of insurance companies. If you and your family had no history of health issues and were a low risk candidate then you got

The one thing people tend to forget is that due to extremely high medical bills that you can only find in the US (while getting worse care overall) is that when people can't pay those bills due to terrible insurance or no insurance it does get passed on to the tax payers because it's a bit write-off to the people

Try having any kind of illness, losing your coverage and then trying to get it back. If you haven't done this then you have absolutely no room to speak. If you don't understand this then you are a horrible human being. It pretty much boils down to that. I get that some people don't factor in these situations

Huh? The PC supports pretty much every peripheral type ever and most people on PC players use their preference per game. I play most of my games with a controller but for FPS games I go mouse and keyboard. And for my fighting games I have a stick. So I'm not sure what your mouse and keyboard vs. controller comment

Just to dispel this you can typically get 1-3 free games when you build a PC, it's still a PC and the gaming ecosystem is much cheaper. You can trade in games on console but you have to do it really early or you get almost nothing. On PC you can simply wait a few months and get massive discounts or half a year and

Why would it be a "shitstorm"? I'm genuinely confused why anybody would care.

So you pay half the cost of a typical game just to get an animated character and a few bonuses? People really pay for this stuff? You should get a whole stable of fully functional and controllable characters for that price and they would still be making a hell of a profit.