
The problem with a lot of indies in 2014 is that a ton of people have seen how profitable indies could be and are now in full scam mode. Yes, there are good games being developed by quality minded professionals but there is probably 3 to 4x their number in people who have, at best, no idea what they are doing and

I always loved the Squaresoft logo that emphasized triangles.

Yeah, the first Hitman movie is a bit underrated I feel. It wasn't the best movie ever but as a movie it stood on it's own and isn't a terrible videogame to movie adaption at all. It stayed somewhat true to the game, had fairly charismatic actors and the acting overall was pretty good. Sadly the story just wasn't

I'd be onboard with this. It's pretty much exactly what I had in mind and would be a great springboard for Spidey into the MCU without having to re-hash or even trash what happened in the other movies. It puts Peter in an incredibly interesting spot (from a viewer and writer's standpoint) and allows him to be

Yeah I'd be on board with that. When I think of anime as a term I typically only think of a show developed in Japan as opposed to it's style since, as you pointed out, anime has a lot of styles. With that said there definitely is a pretty common trend among a lot of anime coming out of Japan in regards to character

2K also is the publisher for Borderlands and you might have noticed that Borderlands 1 had rather substantial updates that were pretty OK for the money. BL2 also had 4 updates that were pretty good for the money but then 2k started making Gearbox throw in all that other crap. Now take a quick look at Pre-Sequel and

I'll never quite understand people like you who defend DLC practices like this. All marketing is psychological but at some point you cross a line and this crosses that line and goes from trying to make something appealing to a potential buyer and instead goes straight into manipulating and targeting certain types of

I refuse to buy any game that launches with this type of pre-order scenario. It's scummy and I can live without the game in order to make my one very small vote towards how much I dislike this practice.

It could work. They'd just have to ignore the timeline is all and introduce things slowly. Or make it sound like it's always been a "boogeyman" situation where it might be real but nobody talks about it and those who do are dismissed. The Marvels: Agents of Shield TV show has done a good job eluding to the

I think they could just pick up where the 2nd terrible movie left off. The loss that he suffered and the new love he will find would be a hell of a jumping off point and give some depth to the character without needing to re-visit the whole thing. The movies might have sucked but the story and where it leaves the

That was pretty much my point. They got a big sales spike last time and the coverage of the titles getting rebooted put some of the characters more in the public eye so they think why not do it again, right?

Platinum hasn't done much stereotypical anime though. Bayonetta is not something you'd point to and go, "that's what most anime coming out of Japan looks like". Same thing with Wonderful 101 that looks more like a Saturday morning cartoon than a traditional Japanese anime. There are obviously a few similarities but


Rainy day purchases is the way I look at them. I tend to only buy games I might play or would be very very interested in trying but I definitely do not get to all of them. However, sometimes I just look at my game list and pick a game on a day/night where I have nothing else to do and have some fun. I've branched

Your point does not require my point to be wrong. So yes, I agree with that. But they still want to turn a profit and despite it not being huge to the overall totals of WB it is for DC comics themselves.

I've never really been into MK mostly due to the gameplay. MK1 was pretty terrible overall. It had Fatalities and digitized graphics and that was about it. MK2 had better gameplay but still wasn't anywhere close to the superior Capcom/NeoGeo fighting games of the time. MK3 actually had legit gameplay but it was so

You should watch EVO 2015 when it's on and you'll figure out real quick why people not only still play but why fighting games are much bigger now than they have ever been.

The cynical point of view is that WB saw that there was a large sales spike for a while during the last reboot and due to this, and screw any charactes/continuity, they would like to do another one because they forsee that quarter not being as big as they want which would make stock holders mad. It most likely has

I assume you're trolling. But just in case you've been living under a rock there is a new model of 3DS coming out called the New 3DS (dumb, I know). It has updated hardware and it's the only model that can play Xenoblade. It comes with a right thumb nub, faster proc, working 3d, slightly better battery life etc.

Haha. Well, it's honestly the best RPG I've played since Final Fantasy 6 back in the 90's. I enjoyed it that much and it was due to the strength of the story (simple and uncluttered yet many twists), characters, the voice acting truly was good and the epic scope of the areas. Nobody has ever built a world quite