
Companies try to make options as simple as possible on consoles is the main reason behind it. Also, having a lower FoV isn't typically a problem for people who have disorders that cause disorientation due to how far away from the screen they are. However, with the typical computer/monitor setup a person is much

I think you can go all the way up to 120 FOV, possibly higher, in Borderlands games using just the slider. That's more than enough unless you really love the fisheye look :)

Cats do that all the time. Also, it's a lot more messy and smelly cleaning up after dogs. Not to mention large dogs or multiple large dogs can destroy a backyard with their shit. I am a dog, cat and animal person in general and have had two-four large dogs in a house for the last few years up until recently where I

Thanks for this. I just backed it and am eagerly looking forward to the release!!

Yup. I think the new format just makes it easier to really rail on a bunch of films. It's a bunch of good points mixed in with things that just annoy the narrator or he thinks might be annoying to somebody in the audience. Sometimes it's due to ignorance though which is the most annoying (your example is one).

Yeah, there are a few limitations because of the 3DS but they aren't too big luckily. Ice climbers and the transform option are the two biggest ones but I'm sure we can live without.

The last MK game had a long and fairly involved ongoing story mode that was pretty well done. It was super cheeseball but it was awesome because of it. Injustice has a similar story mode. I think all fighting games should have story modes like this because they are a lot of fun and lets you get to know characters

Yeah, it's pretty unreal the way people act these days. I understand the desire for options but what I don't get is the disdain people throw out because there wasn't one as if there is some kind of conspiracy theory behind it all. It's all gone beyond just being somewhat of a bizarre phenomena and making me kind of

So you're not only a fanboy who doesn't even know they are but you're also one of those online types who feels the need to stress that they didn't read something to marginalized what was said (when you totally read it) and try to act like a smart ass when they get called out. Go you!

Korea simply has the culture and the country backing the game. They are a small enough region to get talented people together to focus their abilities to become even more talented. That's a lot harder when you start getting into bigger geographical areas where support goes down and talent exists but never gets the

Overdoing the melodrama a little bit aren't we?

I read this whole thing in the voice of a really pissed off ultra-paranoid and "you aren't going to win this argument" woman. I am giggling a wee bit.

I own an XB1 and I too am bummed. I want my friends without one to play it and I also wouldn't mind playing it on PC since I played the first on PC and it is one of the best looking games to be released graphically speaking. The PC port wasn't a port. It looks like the game was built for high end PC's.

It's the first console game that I've pre-ordered in a long time. Granted, it was because I got a hell of a deal but I am also incredibly excited for it. It just looks like a lot of fun. I hope the story is just 100% crazy bonkers beyond what even Dead Rising 3 has done.

Yeah, don't do the sidequests. Only do the ones that get you the upgrades and you'll be fine. It's a game that tries to keep people busy for a long time but a lot of the content is there just as filler and really has no impact on the game. It's just stuff you do when you get bored. I believe all of it can be

I truly enjoyed FC3 and I didn't think I would. You just don't find an FPS out there, at least not a modern one, that was as willing to take the risks with the story that FC3 did. That was totally unexpected and hearing about the weirdness of it is what got me to play it. Not only did I find the shooting/driving

Care to back that up? And include data that shows how Azure is worked in and it's operating costs idle vs. a person downloading vs. the cost to include another physical disk and extra plastic disc carrier in the case? If you're plain and simple certain then that shouldn't be too hard to come up with.

The statement you just made also wreaks of fanboyism. Most people don't realize they are doing it. If your first thought is, "this group of people does it but this one mostly doesn't" then you're a fanboy. All groups on every side of everything ever produced that competes against each other has people who do it.

It's especially bad in politics where it matters when you root for your "side" to win regardless of what they actually stand for or individuals/actions that you should not agree with but due because you want your "team" to win. It's pretty sad and pathetic yet oddly enough I feel that is the most dominant form of

Yes, I am sure you're certain. But I think my response covers those situations. Sorry if I don't take your word for it. I am not trying to be disrespectful. It probably happened. But it might not have but you thought it did. Hence video proof from anybody (not just you specifically. just anybody)...which there