
ow my freakin ears man

This is a great trumpism. Make an unavoidable cost of government sound like big business shenanigans while you do things like make the tax payers on the hook for maintaining your former residence. What is he going to do, take the bus?

The reason it’s a bullshit tweet and just pandering is what’s the alternative? It’s like complaining about how much long distance calls cost.

Now we’re creating straw men?

Maaa maaaa not everything has to be about mmmmaaaapolitics. Maaa maaaa. I voted for trump against my self interest and feel nervous about the result and I’m projecting my anger maaaaa maaaaa

I’m pretty sure being ambivalent about politics is what got us here. And it’s a good joke.

Ugh. For the last time trump didn’t get elected because we have a problem with racism.... hahahahha. Sorry, I had a joke but I couldn’t keep a straight face.

It’s fucking endless. These guys whine more than MRAs. And that’s saying something.

You’re right about “for worse”, but we’re all waiting to see how they handle “for better”. Still waiting. And waiting.

Being anti-gay marriage is a perfect example of someone forcing their religeon on others, and I’m saying that them thinking someone owes them a job is entitlement. whatever the factors - that’s entitlement.

If your insecurities make your feel like obama is insinuating that, that’s up to you, but I wasn’t talking about Obama. Trumps short comings have nothing to do with obama.

Haha. No. He doesn’t have more pride in America. He’s willing to say whatever he can to pander to his base. He has pride in New York maybe. But he doesn’t care about “America”. Not based on how he acts anyway.

Sorry - but the things they feel like they’re being denied like Mining jobs in spite of the environment and the economy, the right to push their religion etc. how is that not entitlement?

I’d love to know what happened. I saw him doing a little car stuff when I lived in England but don’t know the story.

Leave new new Topgear alone and be angry about that fucking stupid rolling stones video..

Obadiah stane. Why not just call him Definitelious O’Badguy?

There’s nothing method about what scott did. The directors job is to find these emotions and reactions. Method acting is completely different and yes, the ends justify the means.

Ya but you guys think Chris Harris is good.

Once he outlaws SNL and the Onion, not even parenthesis will save you.

This was a chance for the media to use this as an example of critical thinking and logic errors and they fucking blew it. Everyone reading this thinks the kid made a good point instead of an honest mistake - the kind the president elect constantly makes. Jesus Christ, what are we doing???