
I’m with you on this. This is the most terrifying thing a president has said out loud - and it’s disgusting. He should have it ringing in his ears for eternity.

the giant flat wheel-arches mixed with those smallish wheels hurt the overall look.  Seems dainty. 

3 legits before you quit.

The Presidency is an amazing piece of performance art.

is that a donald trump figure on the desk or is it boris johnson?

Jk man jk. I should have /s

I was playing the part. But I knew that a few spelling mistakes and manufactured outrage and id be indistinguishable from the real thing!! 

First Roger stone and now this? Way to go hillary. So much for free speach!

I know, I know, the conservatives want companies to be treated like individuals, so this all seems very complicated. PEOPLE are free via the constitution, the COMPANIES can do as they like within the law. Here’s how to think about the roger stone ban. If were caught fucking the tailpipe of your Fiesta, Ford could

How is bragging about sexual assault the same thing as bragging about sexual preference?

That Honda gave me eye herpes.

can’t this be a final hail mary for a moral cleansing?

We all fail in public now and then.

The small businesses are destroyed angle is a lie. Ask people who run small businesses. How many of your points can be wrong before we don’t have to listen?

This would make the Apple Watch useful when your phone isn’t nearby.

Just because it’s a conflict of interest doesn’t mean you’re wrong. Rock on serge.


Challenger for the win.

So DC’s second most popular superhero got her powers from sexual assault. Livin’ the dream. Sheesh.

We get it. Your car is super appropriate and does only what you need it to do for your commute and family needs. I’m with you. Anything above 85HP is terrible! Fun shouldn’t factor in! Feeling good shouldn’t factor in! Agreed!