This Hemholz effect may possibly be mitigated by the addition of a low pressure disturbance behind the window opening. I suggest a small dent in the passenger side rear bumper.
This Hemholz effect may possibly be mitigated by the addition of a low pressure disturbance behind the window opening. I suggest a small dent in the passenger side rear bumper.
Why buy a mustang when you can buy a Challenger?
LMAO! Other than a racist slur there is no racial slur.
Man that slip was so Freudian it went on to create a school of psychology
I bet a higher percentage of Wrangler owners push their vehicle to the limits it was designed for than sports car owners. Of course I live out West and see Wranglers actually used. I don’t really understand why you’d buy a Wrangler in Chicago or wherever, but I still position that their “performance” is put to use…
It’s not that the lesson is bad - it’s the way is lessoned is framed. Let’s say you wanted to teach the lesson that sharing is good and wrote two stories. In both stories the protagonist learns he should share with his friend: in the first story the protagonist is just greedy and selfish, but in the second story the…
I watched both cars movies in a row for the first time about two months ago, one after the other.
And no.
Cars 2 is a goddamn trainwreck. It’s a tonal mess that cannot fin it’s way to clarity on what movie it wants to be, lurching awkwardly from brutally violent spy thriller to Southern hick mocks foreign cultures…
While you are entitled to your opinion, I did get to learn first hand that Pixar is definitely not proud of Cars 2
Pastafarianism is just as valid as any other religion. Don’t call us “atheists” just because you don’t understand our beliefs.
quick, someone get this guy a safe space
In my experience, that attitude will net you exactly zero $100k cars in your lifetime.
With respect, besides using Twitter to vomit the contents of his brain outside of the traditional mainstream media communication channels he’s not much different on policy than any Republican that would have been elected. He just makes it much easier for you guys to complain.
I think your assertion that this is one big excuse for Democratic loss, therefore it’s all bullshit is off. There’s many things going on and it’s disingenuous to chalk it up to “sour grapes.” Untangle all the different topics.
I’m never Lenin my car to anyone ever again.
Best response yet. Very well played.
What is up with all these comments. I came here looking for the Jalopnik whiners complaining that you’re talking politics again!
That this is not universally hated across the US makes me think our great country is on the downward slope as a society.
The great thing is they already do. It’s called a 228i with the 6MT and sport package. The ///M badge now stands for ///Make Your Neighbors Jealous. The good stuff is elsewhere in the line.
if you can’t solve the problem in 140 characters or less, nobody will support you.
Y’know what? The Challenger doesn’t have to make excuses.