
Is this irony? There’s no sufficient evidence against ghosts either but it doesn’t make ghostbusters fucking real. No evidence against something is not evidence for it. So dumb. This kid owned no one. Seriously, the world has now told this kid he has a point and he doesn’t. This was a chance to teach logic and

Laziness... you know nothing. Do you know how much work goes into these things and the deadlines faced? Every single line saved leads to more production and more show. A lot of modern TV is made for a 10th of what they used to make it for. You can prefer certain styles, but don’t call people lazy.

Man, if you guys love Chris Harris, you’re going to love Final Gear. But seriously, what’s with the sound mix? You can barely hear him.

Ah! The page just before the election when we were all so young and hopeful.

I hope in their head it’s brown lesbians at gay dancehall parties with free healthcare. Which I totally approve of.

And what’s alt-left?

Loved this one... Except for the American driver dude. But their scripted stuff is great - when they tell you it’s scripted. It’s only when they tell you it’s real, and it isn’t, that it’s bad, in my opinion. Love this episode.

SICK BURN! Don’t you feel slightly embarrassed using “butthurt”?

I love the way the alt right cunts shit on snopes in spite of their apolitical stance. This must really piss them off.

Man. This is what happens when you teach film school with the snobbery of film and never actually use film. Destroying black values (or white values) in the name of contrast leads to a much flatter image. That’s the problem with most digital film making is the lack of dynamic range. Cruising the black values and

Woof - after 8 years of Obama’s stumbling and stuttering, finally we have a really first class orator.

I think the op response is weird too - but you sorta loose the high road with your I-know-you-are-but-what-am-I...

Wait. What are you mad at? It’s either funny or terrifying if you believe in the sky king - either way - do you really want that as your plate?

For sure. She won the popular vote by more than 2 million. Trump was more persuasive taking advantage of the electoral college by promising he save those who believe in saviors. The dems are to blame for their part, I’m just sad that people are so easily conned.

Yes, the substantive “It’s going to be so amazing” platform he ran on. Hillary tried at least. So did Bernie. That’s the good thing about hooking the conspiracy theorists... they think they’re smarter and more tuned in - but they’re twice as likely to believe what they’re told.

If you made a point of always disagreeing with someone wearing hunting sunglasses, how often would you be wrong?

I thought the idea was the drain the swamp, not just wear hip waiters. I think the “left leaning” (fact based?) media would love it to stop fucking up for 5 minutes.

We’re all fucking settling.

Hey, go easy on those in the Cursed Earth, whose elected leader fetishizes Megacity One. Do you know how weird that must feel?

Only sci-fi novel could dream up a president like this.