Couple more patents like this and they'll pay off that wall in no time.
Checking is hard.
This is a good point. It's a fraction of what most make when they're handling those kinds of assets. I'm sorry that it seems like a lot of money to a line worker - but it isn't in the scheme of things.
It’s crazy to call a design element fake. There isn’t even enough open space to call that thing a grille. So are the creases along the belt-line fake wings? Are the spokes on the wheels fake turbine blades? Is the chrome trim under the doors a fake foot-step? Shit needs to look good. Get over it.
what kind of car would a belly button drive?
He’s easily smarter than any of the current contenders by a wide margin.
Yep, it’s just a party noise-maker and i’m fine with that. LOVE those magnums.
Right? As an R/T owner, I immediately face-palmed, as I have both an infinite love for the car, and in infinite understanding that it’s charm is the noise it makes in a straight line - nothing race-car about. Then i saw those wheels and went, oh god... it’s even worse than i thought.
Just making sure someone said, “I don’t know, I’m pretty sure Donald Trump is from fucking Mars.”
dude can’t not crack a smile.
ya. Thumbs-ups are super great, but i got places to be!
auto correct would literally not let me write hemi. But it’s probably fair as everyone probably assumes I got a challenger to make up for my shortcomings...
Ya, I get compliments on my Challenger all the time, but never feel compelled to say, “it’s got a semi”. I feel like anyone who gives a shit is a car nerd like me and probably knows more about the car than i do. That guy doth protest too much.
Man, how are they going to source those fives of batteries!?
She gives you that terrible feeling of what you think you sound like as a public speaker, similar to how The Office makes you terrified about how you might sound as a boss.
Man, in a 96 Corolla with a sun top, I would have assumed he crashed trying to outrun all the babes chasing him
Can’t old white men just be cool? I have to be one one day.
Sorta. I ONLY bought a TDI for the lie. Otherwise there’s literally no chance I would have bought one. I was literally swindled. So ya, buyer be ware I guess - but I have no shortage of FUCK VW and their actually 1 good car. I really hope they go away after this.
As a former TDI owner who ONLY bought the thing for its clean lie - I full approve. Fuck VW. I bought a V8 challenger.