
When I was a freshman in high school, I worked on my cousin’s farm, and she would walk out into the cornfield, grab an ear of corn off the stalk, shuck that sucker and just take a big ol’ bite out of it. She really went to town. I tried it as well, and found it a bit too sweet for my liking (I prefer it steamed or

We have one of those Chef’s Choice electric knife sharpeners. And we use it on our Wusthof and Henckels knives. Completely without shame.

I mean, the knives are almost 20 years old, for fuck’s sake. If we haven’t ruined them by now, we’re not gonna. And the sharpener works great.

“You lost. Get over it.” Oh, the irony...

I make 2 or 3 trays of bacon a week, when we’re in full-on ketogenic mode (hence the parchment paper trick). So I tend to go through a lot of foil. TBH, I’ve been using the same box of foil that I got at Sam’s club back in 2012. Just about out, too. Feels strange.

“Anyways, now I want bacon.”

You’re welcome. My

I’ve dealt with more than my fair share of aunts like this, too. Only they’re not usually drunk. They’re usually just plain batshit crazy.

Aluminum foil. For the same reason as plastic wrap. Sheet of foil on a baking sheet, followed by parchment, and I can do up an entire tray of bacon in the oven at once. Toss the parchment and foil when done, and put away the clean tray. Or swap out the parchment and do another tray. Because bacon.

As someone who lives in Texas, but has no kids, I still cringe every year when the STAAR exams come around. It’s crazy.

That sounds awesome. ESPECIALLY at the College level.

Disclaimer: I am whiter than Wonder bread, and I am not a fan of Rihanna’s music.

That being said, she has worked her ass off, and as far as I am concerned, she can do whatever the fuck she wants.

And, well, she’s smoking hot at any size.

Right. OK, need to make sure I don’t screw these up:

Medium Onion: 8 oz
Medium Steak: Hot Pink Center.

But wait, isn’t a red onion both? Aw, fuck...

I do find that the procedure I mentioned above works most of the time. But I honestly think their notification engine uses a dartboard or a coin when deciding whether to notify you about anything...

Add a water pik, and your hygienist will love you... :-)

The problem I have with the whole notification “engine” in Facebook is that it doesn’t work very well. I have frequently gotten notifcations for a thread long after turning notifications off.

I was thinking porcelain, yeah. Although those soapstone sinks in the chemistry labs would be awesome, now that I think of it...

Not sure about the sudden heat change, TBH. But all of our experiments with our Anova have only been in the low-to-mid 100's. So, not even close to the boiling temperature of water.

What’s even more incongruous is the fact that this protest is going on in Austin, which is about as blue a city as they come. Most of my fellow Austinites (along with the APD and city government) think that this whole bathroom bill dealy is a solution to a problem that does not exist.

I don’t remember much about my NRA gun safety training, but I do remember this (because they really, REALLY hammered it home):

“The safety is a mechanical device THAT CAN FAIL. NEVER trust a safety.”

That is actually a really good idea. Sure as hell a lot safer than a hot plate, OR a clandestine, under-the-bed microwave. Heck, they could probably just plug the sink in the bathroom and cook everything in there (well, provided it was deep enough).

I am a white person (kind of outed by my profile pic, there). I was raised in a mixed-race household. Saw the video. Thought it was pretty accurate. Subsequently, I did not freak out over it, just went, “yep.”

I also have a shit-ton of racist family members (who live mostly in the deep south; imagine that). And I

Yeah, we don’t have the Wifi-enabled one (Bluetooth only), so we stick around. But we can do all the cooking on weekends, then a quick sear during the week (did burgers tonight that were cooked on Sunday. They did NOT taste left-over; they tasted fresh. And they were SO JUICY), so while things are bubbling away on

I am 5' 2", weigh 250 pounds, and I live in Central Texas. Also, I’m an engineer who frequently spends his days walking between buildings, shoulder-deep in automation equipment, or crawling under a desk.