Ivanka Trump: Queen of the Wypipo.
Ivanka Trump: Queen of the Wypipo.
Yup, especially on mobile, where stuff is loading and can pop up underneath your finger right before you tap an innocent link. That happens to me at least once a week, and it pisses me right the F**K off.
Getting a sous vide also worked wonders. We can throw something into the pot and let it slowly poach away while we’re doing housework, or literally anything other than standing in front of a stove.
Agree 100%. We used to live in Northern Maine, which meant a lot of snow. I used to shovel my own driveway, but quickly hired a snow-plowing service (big money in that up north), because I quickly realized that I was a hell of a lot happier paying X amount per visit than spending an hour or two pushing a shovel…
For a second, I thought it said “Embossing your pasties.”
But this is even cooler.
*laughs evilly*
Wait, what?
YASSSSS. Brother!!!!!
Extra points if you sounded like Sylvester the Cat.
And, yes, the name was one of the deciding factors in our decision to move here.
And they totally run with it, too. We have a Pfirecracker Pfestival for July 4th, the new stadium by Pflugerville High School (now one of 3 high schools in Pflugerville) is called…
Hmm. Not sure. I don’t get down Dessau very often, because, well, Dessau. Eww. But if I ever head down that way, I will check. :-)
Dan Patrick is a miserable excuse for a human being. I thought Abbott was bad, but FFS,
Ahh, yes, and fresh on the heels of the smoke ordinance that almost forced Franklin’s (and several other BBQ joints) to move. Seriously?
(I live in Pflugerville, BTW. I love Austin)
Makes perfect sense to me. “That’s right, he’s YOUR president. YOU voted for him, YOU deal with him.”
Aye, laddie. ‘tis. :-)
I cannot star this enough.
*slow clap*
I LOVE Islay malts, but you definitely have to be in the right mood for them.
You mentioned all the other Islay whiskies because you didn’t want to have to spell Laphroaig, didn’t you? :-)
Makes me think of this comic from theoatmeal (whom I adore) about making things, and the section he devotes to YouTube comments.
We’ve had one of those for almost 4 years now (maybe not the same exact model, but it’s definitely the cordless, ray-gun-looking Dyson vac), and it’s AWESOME.
We’ve had one of those for almost 4 years now (maybe not the same exact model, but it’s definitely the cordless,…
I, and my wife, both feel better when we avoid gluten.