
Yeah, no. You don’t loose 60%+ of your range in an Explorer by hooking up a 2000lbs trailer. Maybe 35%, not even close to 60%....especially driving through somewhere as flat as New Mexico.


Yeah, that is not accurate. The major manufacturers put their orders months in advance. And none saw covid coming so they certainly did not pair back orders for 2020. And by the time the pandemic hit it was clear demand was far higher than anticipated so no, no one under forecasted their 2020.

While the GPS spoofing app is active any other app that relies on GPS info (Maps, Uber, etc.) will not function correctly.

I’m making the point there is no practical way for people to disable GPS tracking and still have the apps on their phone be usable.

How many people do you think are doing that? And doing it constantly?

This breaks any app that requires location info.

Yes, you can do it....but not for long (if you want to use any of those apps) and few users do.

That is some of the most Trumpian kind of thinking I’ve seen since Jan 20.....

“I’m rich, I like to do stuff that’s sometime illegal but I’m rich so what’s the problem?”

Unless you have jail-broken your device and are running an open source OS your iOS or Android OS is tracking your position and sharing it with various apps even though they don’t appear in the apps list and you cannot disable location tracking. Apps and other pieces of software (system components) use APIs and

Many apps simply don’t give you the option to turn off tracking. Uber and Lyft are great examples but other less obvious ones do as well. Some also track indirectly through plug-ins to other apps. Regardless, the OS is tracking you as is the device hardware. At least a dozen companies have your info the moment you

Yp, not like there was just the whole GameStop thing fueled by bloggers and pseudo news sites congregating on Reddit

Do you actually believe your smartphone isn’t already being tracked? This is laughable....and it’s not just your cellular carrier, check the permissions of most of your apps....they already know exactly where you (or at least your phone) are at all times.

Does anyone really think if VMT is implemented they will repeal the gas tax? They’ll simply collect both and the additional cost to ICE vs EV will remain.

They are not a research firm, the are a short selling firm. Key differentiator.

You can’t see how they could benefit? You realize this report was released with the sole purpose of providing financial benefit to the short sellers. So how many shares is GMG short in this stock?

Doesn't excuse the glarring omission of their short position. Why do you think EVERY other media outlet running this report is also disclosing their financial stake in all this?

More like: Short sellers release questionable report to manipulate share price but since we can thread a loose Trump connection we’ll jump on it because we are the woke Jalop.

I hate Trump more than just about anyone but this is beyond shoddy journalism and is wavering on the line of a securities violation.

So absolutely no background or details on who Hindenburg Research is eh? That is what is passing for journalism at Jalopnik now?

Significant other” is what incels call mom after they turn 25.

Remember...this is the new Jalopnik. Soon they will be reverting to galleries of bikinis on hoods like the car mags of the 90's in their quest for clicks.

Chances are if you are in a crash the required a seat belt cutter and glass hammer you would not be in any condition to actually use them to get yourself out.

How do you know he's not a Klan member?