
(deleted...I'm slow.)

Herald Square, named after the now-gone New York Herald. Not "Harold". #corrections

"The restricted zone will be reserved for drones and drones alone—civilian planes will have to fly at a different altitude, or around the area altogether"

They already have it... The Vision Research Phantom 65. Size roughly of a 65mm negative, so just smaller than 645. And yes, it does use 512GB SSD's, among others.

Left out is the next step up in sensor size to the 35mm FF sensors: Medium Format digital.

I think I was mainly on Slashdot back then...

If memory serves right, AA587 didn't blow up. It lost its vertical stabilizer after the pilots misused the rudder when compensating for wake turbulence.

"Are most major cities in the US no-fly zones?"

Illegal? Or against Facebook policy? Facebook law ≠ law

The readers of this website are not the "average user", and a headline like the current one is insulting since it assumes the readers here don't understand how the internet works.

Your Internet will be shut off, or simply DNS will stop resolving?

While I agree with you on both counts, the point is that it does work right now.

...what about BitLet? This has been around for 2-3 years, and is totally browser-based using Java.

Check out https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ebpikpglbmpefffekgcdhogkpihphjja

Whoa! Muchas gracias.

"Square will allow mobile devices to accept credit and debit card payments. "

EDIT: doesn't really work. I tried. Nevermind.

"Text Shortcuts" in iOS5. Make one for "emojibomb" for quick access.

(deleted, new comment system didn't show my other comment immediately)

I can't fathom how much work went into the engineering study done before the lift, ensuring centers of gravity wouldn't shift, what the wind loads would be, what would happen if things started to rotate (despite the rope they said they used), how solid the ground was, etc. This seems a hell of a lot more complicated