
As someone who spends a LOT of time on airplanes I find that this “rating” system loses all credability when *Allegiant* airlines earns the same level of safety ranking as other domestic US airlines.

Thanks for this. I’m a lot more familiar with deciphering nav charts but I did have a vague recollection that the W- designation just meant you were supposed to not be surprised to see something small and fast in the distance.

Nitpick: Warning Areas (designated with a W-### as in your map) are not Restricted Areas. Warning Areas are similar to MOA’s, but offshore, and flight through warning areas requires no clearance, nor is it prohibited or restricted. Rather, pilots are cautioned that military activity may be taking place, and are

What he’s doing is called Pump Stick in Flare. It’s poor practice and in a bigger aircraft like that, it wont have a whole lot of effect. It is far more pronounced in smaller aircraft. He’s effectively slowly lowering himself to the deck in steps rather than one smooth glide slope. The lateral deflections are very

I’ve never understood the need to carry an Unobtanium machete that was forged in Mount Doom as a standard hiking/basic survival knife.

Damn it. And we’d have got away with it, if it weren’t for you pesky kids and your so-called ‘internet’.

These deal reports are great, and I can make good use of them for digital products for the most part, but being located in Canada means that I can’t generally take advantage of this type of thing. Does the Kinja team have Canadian deal trackers anywhere (I doubt it) or could somebody possibly suggest where I might

These deal reports are great, and I can make good use of them for digital products for the most part, but being

My other reply seems to have disappeared into the Kinja Ether. If it reappears awesome, but short version: the seats aren't terrible, try to locate extra unused pillows.

I don't know about the A380 but if you're concerned about comfort, I'd recommend avoiding the bulkhead. I will agree, you do take a hit on the seat recline - it's not a standard recline, but the trade off of no one reclining into your space is nice. I brought an inflatable and grabbed an extra pillow on board for

The lines between software and hardware have suddenly gone all fuzzy and pear shaped...

VLC encountered a problem with Windows

I hope he brought his old friend...

Ferry to Staten Island for a view of the Statue of Liberty

I think the A-10 is a shit-ton more survivable than an AC-130... A-10 was designed to have one of its engines blown clean off by a MANPAD and still get home... C130 not so much...