
I don’t advocate Allen’s actions or praise Duke in any way but with it being against Notre Dame he could’ve squared up and kicked him straight in the dick and I would’ve shrugged my shoulders.

This exact car, but in white, was the car I learned to drive in when I was 14. I believe it is why, to this day, I hate Mustangs so much.

IU, while admittedly sucking lately, was without Blackmon. NW’s win probably would not have happened had he been in the line up. Purdue just lost to Nebraska, which is going to piss them off, and they play extremely well when pissed off, so I’m guessing NW isn’t going to do much. Maybe I’ll eat my words, who knows.

You guys referred to him as just “Donald Trump” in this article and not “President Donald Trump” or “President Trump” and I know it’s not the first time you’ve done so. I’ve gotta say, it’s subtle and I fully support the decision to not ever acknowledge him as President. For the next four years he will be “Trump”,

You guys referred to him as just “Donald Trump” in this article and not “President Donald Trump” or “President Trump” and I know it’s not the first time you’ve done so. I’ve gotta say, it’s subtle and I fully support the decision to not ever acknowledge him as President. For the next four years he will be “Trump”,

I’ll be damned if I’m gonna let some dead scientist talk shit about Dumb and Dumber and Beavis and Butthead.

I know a guy that, when he gets gas in his car, he fills it like 9/10th of the way with regular unleaded then tops the rest off with racing fuel because “they combine in the tank and make my car perform better and give it better mileage.” Yeah, I like to refer to him in conversations with others as “this fucking

How many pieces of gum did he swallow during this press conference?

Goodbye and good riddance. Also, don’t step to Pat McAfee.

Dude got LAUNCHED. Thank god he missed those rocks...

Pagano doesn’t need to go. Grigson does.

Jesus, that kid was in the air for a fortnight...

I sold a car for $5,000 flat that I still owed $2,400 on a loan. KBB told me it was worth closer to $6,000 but I knew I wouldn’t get that out of anybody so I set it at $5,000 flat, which someone jumped at. The guy paid me $5,000 in cash, drove me to my bank in my now “old” car, I paid the $2,400 off and then signed

And smells kind of musty.

It’s either Pennsylvania or Philadelphia. It works for both. I like to think it’s his way of deciphering Philadelphia because on mail, Pennsylvania would just be abbreviated to PA. All mail he receives would say Philadelphia, PA on it.

I live in Indiana. No he is fucking not.

Why does the new White House logo look like a goddamned “Do Not Enter” sign?

The Gang Squashes Their Beef is clear down at #88?! Oh, you goddamn bitch. Goddamnit. You goddamn bitch.

Paraphrasing Louis C.K. here: Is “a racial slur” the new way of saying “the N-word?” And I don’t mean nigger, I mean like when white people say the phrase “the N-word.” Because that’s just the white persons way of saying nigger. You’re making *ME* say it. Just say nigger, you faggot.

I bought that Aukey vent car mount but I’m not entirely happy with it. It says it’s for any phone iPhone 5 or above and with me having a 6 Plus I figured it was ok, so I got it. Once it arrived I placed the magnetic square on my phone and took it and the vent mount out to my car. I placed the mount on the vent

I bought that Aukey vent car mount but I’m not entirely happy with it. It says it’s for any phone iPhone 5 or above