
No mention of John Wick 2 anywhere. For shame.

Christ, what a cunt. And this is coming from someone who has never actually used that phrase toward a person before. I just don’t know what else to say than go right for the most apt description. This woman is a massive, literal, Grade A, top-notch, mega-cunt.

Not to discredit Rex or Rob (or any other famous patrons you mentioned) but, given that I live in Indiana, there’s really not much else to do here than frequent whatever town you happen to be in’s Hooters. Is the food good? No. Is the staff of waitresses worth actually looking at? Most times no. But is it a decent

Today is the 4th day of the year and I’ve already dropped 6 pounds just by altering my diet. I haven’t even worked out yet. Eat my dick, Hamilton. I’ll show you. I’LL SHOW EVERYBODY.

“I hear this place is restricted, Wang, so don’t tell ‘em you’re Jewish, okay? Fine!”

What? No. No. Wrong. I apologize for just now coming across this article and reading it and commenting where my comment most likely won’t even be seen but you almost immediately start out with a factual error. Yes, Johnny Ace pretty much invented the move. But DDP (Diamond Dallas Page) has never once in his life


Decrapper’s website says it works on Windows versions up to Windows 8 but my dad’s computer runs Windows 10 and I ran it on there just fine. Took longer than I expected, but his computer now is bare bones, which is precisely what he needs since he never does anything more than surf the internet and type up word

Well, as of this morning, he fined him. And Zeke said “ok, I’ll match whatever fine you give me and donate it to the Salvation Army.” Once again showcasing that Goodell is an idiot.

I’m not arguing that the Cubs got screwed because they won the World Series for the first time in all of our lifetimes but man....I don’t really like this deal. The Cubs gave up not only Gleyber but like 3 other excellent prospects just to get Chapman, plus they paid handsomely for him, and now he’s right back in

Sorry guys, I’m already outraged about something else today and my outrage meter can’t handle anymore right now, especially when it comes to something like some racist twat losing her job for being a racist twat. I’ll catch ya on the next one.

Legit? Wasn’t it just last week they only managed to score 70pts in a game against Indy? Mmmmk.

Doesn’t Ted Turner own CNN? As in, the same Ted Turner that was/is the enemy of WWE Owner Vince McMahon? The same WWE Owner who personally inducted his good friend Donald Trump into the Celebrity Wing of the WWE Hall of Fame? This isn’t an election with election fallout, this is all one big wrestling storyline.

It’s not something I ever really thought about but after reading this article I realized that I have farted on every piece of furniture I’ve ever sat in in a store. Almost like a Pavlovian thing. “I’ll test out this couch, eh not bad, RIIIIP, ok let’s move over to that recliner and test that baby RIIIIP oh look they

Is that the same dam from “Goldeneye?” Cause it sure looks like it.

Can you guys do a story about Duke losing the same way you did one about the Cardinals losing? Please? I’ve been good! Can’t I be rewarded?!

So with the update it sounds like they went to a party then returned from the party to have sex...while the other two guys watched and then apparently thought they could get in on the action? Why were they still in the room in the first place? Were they invited to watch but not join? And then that wasn’t clear so

Would’ve only been 2-0 had Corey Crawford not given up back-to-back goals in 7 goddamn seconds time. Whatever. Blackhawks looked like dogshit last night. It happens. Good game, Jets.

I guess I’m gonna die then. Every night my routine is the same: after a full day of work and whatever else, my phone gets down to about 25-30%. So I reach over, grab my charger, plug it in and then open a radio/music app, put the volume down to where I can just barely hear it, and lay the phone face down on the

If 2017 kicks off with a Cowboy’s Super Bowl win it’ll automatically be worse than 2016 right out of the gate.