
Also, if you are of (cough cough) less than tender years, there’s an additional catch-up contribution of $1000 per year if you are 55 or older. And the allowable contribution amount for families is $6,650 (going to $6,750 in 2016, although individual amounts won’t increase for 2016). And the catch up contribution can

Because pushups don’t require any equipment.

Yup. Super easy. Want to raise it up a bit? This is perilously close to being “real cooking”, but add in a tablespoon of grated orange or tangerine peel (don’t get the white in it, that’s bitter tasting) and if you want to be a super star, add in a couple of tablespoons of Cointreau or Grand Marnier. Or just the

Absolutely. I look briefly to see that the bottom of the bag/item is towards the scanner, then scan by arcing along that bottom surface from the horizontal window to the vertical window. Seems to capture pretty darn well. If only I had PLU codes for veggies memorized! It’s a little game for me, how fast can I

My husband now has enough elite status we are typically protected, but LONG ago, when pregnant (and queasy with morning sickness) with daughter (now 26), was flying solo from SFO to Cincinnati via Memphis. Flight was delayed 2 hours for mechanical reasons, missed the connection in Memphis (last for the day), rebooked

Yes, but how much water per serving?

Crud, not fair!

The Thermapen is really great - accurate, fast, but comes in closer to $100 than $50.

I went through a few Fitfits, but struggled with it's lack of waterproofing (I'm a rower and the washer also wasn't a great place. Nor was the parking lot on which I dropped it and then backed over it). I just, like really, JUST this week, got a Shine from Misfit. Brand new, all metal, waterproof and yes you can take

Absolutely. And sometimes you're just not in the mood for that particular book. I spent forever trying to get started on The Makioka Sisters, but once I really got going, I loved it.

Late comment, but on NPR this morning I heard on a gardening show that coffee grounds, since they are acidic, should only be put on acid loving plants such as azaleas and rhododendrons. Not suggested for vegetables, which need a more neutral soil to produce well.

But that's no different than any food - it's great to make extra, particularly brown rice which takes awhile to cook - don't keep it on the counter for hours before putting it away. @nuksies, just take away the "particularly", and I'll agree with you fully.

I'm worried about heat buildup, since the plants are in a sunny room. I wrap saran wrap around the pot, to cover the soil and snugging around the base of the plant without covering the leaves, after watering throughly. Works well for me; had a recent 15 day trip and plants did great.

Eggs are veggies?

""@domain.com - now THAT'S a good thing to know!

You are so right. Food grinder attachment, $46. Ice cream maker, $80. Pasta, $80. Ravioli, wow, $149. I like my stand mixer too, and at least I still have the original whisk and dough hook attachements. I was once given the slicer/shredder, by someone who meant very well, but I think I've used it twice in 10 years.

I scared myself after scorching a kettle on my electric cooktop (my fault, I got distracted) catching it just as the wooden handle was blackening and the metal changing color. Picked up an electric kettle (after visiting my sister in England). Way superior. Shuts off automatically, gets to temp quickly.

If you or your future wife are not seasoned travelers, remember that weddings are lovely (hopefully) but tiring and sometimes stressful, and consider not doing the "big tour" but finding something quieter to plant down in, maybe doing day trips, particularly if it's tourist season. A coworker spent her honeymoon week

I personally don't regret them enough to get rid of them, but they are a PITA particularly with a smaller lens. It's hard to get the correct sweet spot for the thing you are looking at right then. Really miserable for computer work at a monitor, because I'm looking through the top of the lens, or else craning my neck

Nope, that link only indicates why you should avoid eating fast food during a norovirus breakout. Flu is transmitted more through airborne droplets, although you *could* get it from food contaminated from someone sneezing on it. But then, that's also why you be careful about any surfaces someone might have touched,