
A nuisance. Mine came on, in a sequence which in the manual indicated there was a problem with the sensor itself (Toyota Prius), checked the tire pressures, all fine. Took it to the dealer the next morning and was told that a tire was a little low, in that sort of patronizing "there there little woman you wouldn't

Sorry, I didn't dig the Lark, much as I love toys. It was too fidgety, often didn't shut off even when app button/alarm off pushed, so it would keep vibrating on my wrist while I rushed in the dark out of the room so as not to wake hubbie. The dock was also really fidgety, hard to get the Lark onto the mini USB port,

Ah, too bad Yapdugg, you failed basic grammar despite your genius nature. "Your" the reason, not realinfomom ;)

Maybe spray paint it. Put a piece of tape as a mask on the non-labelled part if you want to see the contents.

Stored properly is a very valid point. Long ago I kept a tube of uncooked sausage in the door of the fridge freezer to cut off a bit periodically (without thawing it out). Not a very cold stable place, as I found out when I threw the last bit into spaghetti sauce, and got sick as a dog.

She was allowed to create her business card description. Don't recall her official title, but one thing I recall was working with the design for packing the Apple computer parts in appropriately labelled boxes so you unpacked and setup with less bother (I think). This was many years ago, back when things tended to

She was allowed to create her business card description. Don't recall her official title, but one thing I recall was working with the design for packing the Apple computer parts in appropriately labelled boxes so you unpacked and setup with less bother (I think). This was many years ago, back when things tended to

That's Special senior executive vice-presidential deputy assistant to the supervisor.

I'm sure it's been said before, but: Steel cut oats, in the rice cooker overnight. Throw in 1 part oats to uh, blanking, 3 parts water, a little salt. Set on porridge settings. One generous serving is 1/2 cups uncooked oats. Really easy, takes a minute to set up, but you can increase to make more to have later. I

Yes! Or if you are already set up to car audio and want to use Siri without going through the car speakers (forget successful voice recognition).

I'm not going to get into a lot of detail, because it's been awhile since I studied biochemistry and I risk mis-speaking if not careful, but watch your falsehoods too, iliketoeat (nice handle, btw). All cells use ATP, muscle, brain, fat cells, all of them. That's the end currency of energy for cells. Muscles do use

How about the statement in the article by the nutritionist that skipping a meal puts you into "starvation" mode? I suspect this is bunk, although propagated by many people. Problems with skipping a meal likely reflect that you are hunger and likely to overeat later. Not that I plan on skipping my breakfast, just

iPads, at least in some US airports like Nashville, don't have to be pulled out of the carry on bag at security as you would a laptop without the right laptop case. Watch out at London Heathrow - iPads are considered computers, so if you don't pull it out as you would a laptop, automatic check of the carry on bag.

@#c21010953:I seem to collect cheese - small bits, and use them up eventually, but depends on my particular mood that meal. I like using the parchment paper, and write the name of the cheese on the outside in permanent marker, but had multiple little pieces getting lost in the fridge, and the sandwich bag for each

Went to a sous-vide demo recently, the food was lovely, but the price of the equipment and space - no way. What I learned elsewhere for thick (2 inch sirloin) steaks - cook in oven (yes) at 275 on wire rack (after patting dry and salt/peppering) to 95 degrees for med-rare/rare. THEN sear in oil in hot skillet,

@DangerousLiberal: Ok, you're right, I had a brain frat and lied accidentally. But I WAS paying for the Times Reader. And if needed, will pay again.

Even my husband, who had a serious newspaper addiction, finally gave up on our local POS newspaper (and in a pretty large metropolitan area) and resorted to online news. I miss reading the comics on Sunday mornings, but that's about it. And I do pay for online news (NYT) to get quality news. I miss out on the local

@infmom: When my kids' were younger, and we used to do the mcd's every so often, I would charge "mommy tax" - a few of their fries in exchange for all the grief and suffering one experiences as a mom! Works for any food that you want a bit of. They are now, however, way too old and wish to fall for that now.

If I just had some rafters . . .