
Thank you for saying this.

they used to say the prewar bugattis sounded like someone tearing fabric, and I get that from this, too

That sounds so much better than I expected it to. Wow.

Hmmm...I have an SVX, an Outback parts car, and a welder....

Need more green, orange, teal, etc... And less grey, black, and white vehicles.

This post of yours reminds me…

This car should be illegal. 

The Orvis edition. Because let’s never forget that Jeep did this:

Believe in the Honda City Turbo II. It believes in you.

Although I’m glad Richard Porter is back doing his thing with the GT guys, I miss a lot of what he was doing at Sniff Petrol. The guy is genuinely good.

It’s like political campaign slogans in Germany. Candidates usually have a slogan like “competent” or “qualified” or “aware of the issues,” and that’s it. Anything more grandstanding is seen as being an orange clown.

I think “Very Acceptable” might be the most humble tagline I’ve ever seen for a car. I wonder what got rejected? “Dacia Denem: It’s fine.” “Dacia Denem: I don’t mind it!” “Dacia Denem: Adequacy Incarnate.”

When a vehicle’s design, inside and out, is authentic to its mission statement and purpose, that’s beautiful. When it’s form says “this is what I am, this is what I do,” I’m impressed. So very often, cars try to be more than they are, or more than they should be, and their overwrought design language betrays that

I was 12 in 1998, and I stayed up all night listening to Le Mans on very primitive Radio Le Mans streaming.