The fact that anybody, ANYBODY, thinks this was in any way acceptable is infuriating to me. People were made to give up their lives and leave everything to move there on pure unbridled speculation and fear of “others”. Many had to sell their homes for pennies on the dollar to vultures who knew the people had no other…
Exactly. The whole notion of “respecting the office, not the man” is based on convention and tradition but this whole election him and his buddy blatantly ignored that convention and tradition whenever it suited them. Releasing tax returns? Agreeing to put holdings in blind trust? Not having government agencies try to…
Trump Pence have no plans of applying civility, they shouldn’t expect it.
I seriously hope that was just subtle sarcasm that flew over my head, otherwise I’d wonder if you’d ever even seen the old Top Gear...
Ryan Tuerck fired up his Ferrari 458-swapped Toyota GT86 for the first time Friday night, and now it’s back, and…
Yeah, it’s amazing how many people will argue that a 60s “tank” is safer than a modern car.
That was a driverless truck.
Or how about drivers that aren’t brainless?
The Mercedes-Benz mid-sized pickup truck is really happening, and will look like a combination of the two…
As a Texan, I just wanted to offer an opinion that is somewhat vaguely not really related to this video. I think “y’all” is a very useful word, and I think all English-speakers should use it. How else are we supposed to distinguish between second-person singular and second-person plural? It used to be that “thee” was…
“Donald or Hillary?”
Last night, Elon Musk gave a surprise lecture in media ethics to the gathered reporters in the midst of a Q&A with…
since this is family website
Man, I’m still trying to figure out mine. My shifter flops like a dude who’s gone jogging at a nudist retreat. Bushings under the shifter are new. I’m guessing it’s a transaxle-side issue.
One might be wondering when the cars are. Well, friend, now! It’s the car time.