
Every person I've ever been stuck doing a group project with has always felt the necessity to tell me the history of their colon.

Say what you will, but I thought this guy gave an excellent performance in Red Dragon.

What a nice way of saying the Netherlands is a cesspool of incest...

And, truth be told, nearly all of them are secretly gay and hoping for the fall-back crutch of LBGT tolerance and understanding once they're caught with some rando's dick in their mouths.

It's funny how Inquisition, Far Cry and Skyrim all have one thing in common above all else: probably a good 30% of my gameplay time is wasted trying to find holes in the physics engine in order to walk up barely-steep inclines and hills that should be logically climbable, but that the game has decided I cannot

You're trolling, right? There are people with master's degrees who can't get jobs. At fucking McDonald's! People are not underqualified, there aren't jobs because the economy was tanked by the kind of people you probably look up to.

So can your tickets. It's still not "financing." PSL's don't entitle the holder to interest payments they way a loan, bond, or other debt obligation would. PSL's don't provide the holder with an ownership interest in any entity, the way a share of stock or partnership interest would. It's just a really expensive

saying what every TV analyst probably wants to say when the announcer goes captain obvious

Now playing

My dashcam video & audio made international news and got a bunch of peoples tickets thrown out. So there's that.

I know Ill catch heat for saying this but seriously guys, lane splitting is the stupidest fucking thing Ive ever seen. Every single aspect of it is retarded. Whether its fast (like the asshole in the video above) or slow, its just so completely uncalled for. Are you really THAT fucking impatient that you need to slip

Server instability seems a valid reason to prefer one system over another.

Wait Destiny's out of Beta?

Because psn is not a product, it is a service. A service that needs to be up fr their product to work properly. Never mind that the 3 days of plus they offer don't cover the 4 days it has been down. Never mind the fact that their competition was hit by the same attack and was able to fix things in a matter of hours

Wake me when Americans start emigrating to Russia.

... implying that Putin was a politician who still needed to keep the United States from looking at Russia with a too-critical eye and regarded Bush 43 as a foreign policy simpleton with first-strike capability, whereas Obama is a broad-thinking statesmen who took Russia to task for its internal aggression and didn't

Who said WW2 didn't have impacts? Strawman much? Reading comprehension fail much? However, your linking of the last few generations of Russian economic malaise to WW2 is tenuous at best. Find something else to blame for corruption and egoistic idiocy, too much time has passed, the same old shit reigns supreme.

I still cannot connect and my entire digital library consisting of 201 items is unusable. This constant license check on digital purchases is completely ruined my last 3 days and before you say go out and get sunshine or some such, I am a shut in.

But if everyone realized they could get the upgraded seat for free, no one would ever pay for it in advance.