I can't wait to see the pictures of the police dragging those teens out of their mom's house and into a cop car.
I can't wait to see the pictures of the police dragging those teens out of their mom's house and into a cop car.
I see the problem right here. Brigham himself was playing for the wrong team and started the whole ruckus.
Great story. Compelling and rich.
You know... that's a sweater I'd wear.
Please hurry. It's dark here.
Huzzah! I guess this means I AM a bad enough dude to save Santa from those ninjas. Finally.
I think part of the reason people got so down on Assassin's Creed Unity was because this game came along and ate its lunch in terms of player control, stealth options and enjoyable combat. But Shadow of Mordor does so many other things so well: the nemesis system is more of a game than the actual story, and that…
You'd better crack it open now so you can start the 40 GB of patches.
I think it is both rude and crazy to expect a stranger to pay for you on a first date. It's one thing to accept someone's offer to pay for your drinks, but it is ridiculous (and actually quite sexist) to not only expect, but require someone to spend money for the pleasure of making awkward small talk.
Haha, why do you have to be a stingy asshole not to want to pay? Can't you just be a normal person who gets tired of buying strangers dinner for no reason?
Could you imagine if some Moose and Lego had offspring? They would be able to hide their numbers perfectly through clever syntax.
I'd buy 'em.
they did this already.
Just use a picture of your attractive friend like I do.
I think acceptance at that site would be more of a punishment than a reward.
The Ebola Fighters are the WORST Foo Fighters cover band ever.
I watched part of the interview. I really never thought Bush was a bad guy- a bad president, but I think he was always well intentioned. He just should have done something other than go into politics.
I'll take the recycled mansion with actual story content, over nice looking areas with zero purpose other than to give space to fill with a-bajillion pickup quests.