Mike D F


Sounds about right.

I thought this was how they figured out oil prices:

The Astro wasn’t full sized. But you can find the full size ‘1500' vans with AWD. 

Sloppy steering? That just sounds like any GM product with a worn out front end.

I think it shares most of it’s basic systems, minus the AWD with the S10 platform. 

I too drove one as a work vehicle. It was quite the beast in snow.

It’s possible that’s a limitation of the camera and/or operator.

Don’t even touch it. Protect the natural patina and Plasti-Dip it. 

That sounds like my neighbor, kind of. He has an ‘08 Mustang GT that he rarely drives, even though he’s retired. He’ll drive it somewhere 45 minutes away, have a coffee and then come home, wash it and park it until next week. 

At the very least the should get stuck with the minimum charge(s) required to get them on a sexual offender registry.

Don’t let all the bro-dozer bros in my neighborhood hear that. They’ll have to stomp on it extra hard at every-fucking-intersection.

I live near a highway that goes around my city. Most of it is technically outside my city, but there’s about 5 miles by where I live that’s inside the city and subject to a ‘jake brake’ prohibition. If the cops ever wanted to, they could sit out there at night and bust 18 wheelers non-stop.

If you want to comfortably lift a 1 ton truck, your really need one of the heavy duty lifts. But then you have trouble getting the larger arms under anything low. Big trucks aren’t very confidence inspiring on standard lifts.

If I had my choice, the opener and a couple of lights would be controlled from the house panel and there would be an auxiliary panel for everything else ‘garage’ related. When you’re done, just switch off the panel and walk away. 

I asked an electrician friend about getting 220 ran to our garage. Ya, that’s not happening in this lifetime. The service would have to be upgraded, the main panel would have to be upgraded and then a line could be run out to a panel in the garage.

I worked at a shop with an old spring compressor. One day a co-worker forgot to put the pin in that held the 2 halves of the clamshell type assembly together. Fortunately, when the spring popped out it didn’t get him very good. He had only had a small cut on his upper lip.

I have good air impact guns and about the largest 110V air compressor I could find, but I still have a Ryobi 1/2 impact for when I just have to change a tire quick. Other than that, it pretty much collects dust. 

I don’t think they have a specific site. I access it in Canada from rockauto.com and there’s little flags denoting the different markets.

You forgot that it’s also modified.