On most Hondas you have to drop, not remove, the sub-frame to remove an AC compressor.
On most Hondas you have to drop, not remove, the sub-frame to remove an AC compressor.
Any repair that needs to be done to keep the car from turning into a deathtrap.
There’s a difference, in my opinion, between just shooting 1 good offer that you’re comfortable with and accepting the seller’s refusal so you can go on with your life.
The first person to come after you will be the taxman if you do it too much.
Now you’ll have the privilege of downloading 3 pieces of software.
I think it actually became law at some point about a decade ago. Or it’s one of the few things automakers all adopted without legislation.
If you interact with unpaved surfaces regularly, or have a job where you actually get dirty, it takes no time for a car to get that bad.
HE seems to be one of the few people on YouTube that actually cleans cars that are actually dirty.
It sounds like they just adopted a commercial truck “lease” program to their needs.
It seems odd until you take a look at a country like Canada, the system is different but it’s still based on population, only has 2 provinces that control the federal elections. Out here in the west, it really doesn’t matter how we vote because the election was already decided a couple thousand miles away.
Huh, I thought that was how it worked too.
There’s something to be said about when there’s a bathroom available that people are more likely to want to use it.
The problem is that ‘shaming’ people for their choices is now frowned upon. IF someone does something stupid, they probably don’t even know, because nobody calls them out for it.
9 year old BMW. Check.
You might want to stick your key in the door once in a while to make sure the exterior lock still functions. If you ever have a dead battery, you’ll be paying for a ‘lockout’ service.
There was an article posted here, or cross posted, a couple of years ago by someone that lives in NYC that was just watching some kids walk down the street trying different car doors to see if their simple signal booster was enough to trigger the doors open.
The integrated fob isn’t a problem. The mass doesn’t move apart from the key, so the extra force is negligible. It’s the people with 5 pounds of shit hanging off their ignition key.
If it was packed in snow, there’s a good chance it stayed below freezing. Mitigating the risk of mold. A lot would depend on how sealed the interior also remained.
Now that is complete nonsense.
Ehhhh, Honda engines aren’t what they used to be and who knows what kind of neglect it’s already been subject to. Or what kind of climate it operates in.