
Always looking for suggestions! Thanks. 

Pokemon Orange?

The trouble with Ash Ketchum is he always tries to walk the gym.

I will pick Scorbunny, he will be named Arsenal. Then I will ask people if they saw that ludicrous display last night.

It’s more like vengeance. You won’t be with me, I’ll hurt you!!

OF COURSE it’s some dude targeting a woman. 


I’m glad some folks are enjoying this game; everyone has their somewhere they want to be, and that somewhere doesn’t work for other folks—and that’s fine. I enjoy a great many things others think are a waste of time.

This whole kerfuffle, though, comes off as one giant kettle of “we coasted way too hard on a

The main fact of the matter is - these people have a skewed perception of reality. They have an idea of what TB was like to them, without really knowing who he was, or what he stood for. In the end, they may have an opinion, but their opinion is of no significance in the long run.

I liked the guy, never looked into or cared much about whatever the controversy was, but he was one of the figures that got me into Youtubing all those years ago. Fuck anybody trying to disparage him today though, time and a place, this is not it.

It’s a video game site, the fuck are you expecting? All any game site reviewer does is talk about video games, you think if one of Kotaku’s writers died the other sites wouldn’t talk about it? Biscuit, regardless of how much you personally knew about him, was hugely influental on the gaming scene in general and almost

Fuck anyone and everyone trying to drag his name through the mud on the day that he fucking died. Regardless of what you think about him, show some compassion and human decency. I hope none of you are ever unfortunate enough to become terminally ill and leave your family behind. If you don’t have anything productive

I have watched and listened to Totalbiscuit’s work for a lot of years. He could be brazen and loud, but underneath all of that was someone who believed that there was really something called Truth, which is not created, but uncovered and (mis)represented.

Wait really? Huh didn’t know that. Seems a bit dumb to have that feature no, wouldn’t you just get echo chambers where any comment which disagrees with the OP would never get read? God that is absurdly stupid.

Not just them, but everyone else who tries to politicize this tragedy when his body isn’t even cold yet.

Funny you mention that, because there is literally a comment in here calling him a Nazi/Nazi-enabler. It’s like they root for people with differing opinions to die, shits crazy in the Kotaku comments and it is infuriating.

No apologies needed! I’m always happy to be pointed to a new source, and I’d not even heard of that one before; scouring Amazon for it now.

So it’s kind of almost Castle Crashers?

Will we ever see a Castle Crashers 2? :-(

C’mon, get with the Progressive Program. Repeat after me: everything is racist. Everything is sexist. If it exists, there’s something wrong with it. We are the arbiters of fun, and we say thee nay.

There aren’t words to describe how much I fucking want this.

Life is better with them, even knowing they’ll be gone sooner rather than later. My rescue pup is 12. We have another that is 4. And three cats all at 7. Every moment is precious. Cherish it and treat them well. They deserve every ounce of love you can give. Its not like love is a limited commodity. :)