
My PS5 has been suffering issues since the last firmware update. When it’s put in rest mode, the next day it boots up, neither of my 2 dualsense controllers are able to connect to the console. The only fix is a hard shutdown of the ps5 to get it working again… I’ve lost a few great runs to this so far.

Didn’t Gearbox already confirm the Arms Race mode is the equivalent of Gun Game from CoD?

All of those are genuinely great ideas. I hope more companies start rolling out measures like that. It would definitely slow them enough to at least get a bunch more genuine customers through. 

I think the problem is that it looks like a good current gen game, but not a next gen flagship title designed to show off the full power of the world’s most powerful console. 

Jesus Christ...

I got 20 L candies, 10 XL Candies, 4 rare candies, a buttload of valuable items to sell, a bottle cap and some random battle items. It’s pretty good to farm the xp candies if you can beat him. I recommend someone has a prankster Grimmsnarl using Taunt and Light screen, and use a full restore when your health gets low.

Yes, because a man who has just hit 100 million subscribers will just go away... Consider that number for a second. That’s almost a third of the entire population of America (327.2mil as of 2018).

I’ve had this on my launch joy-cons since day 1. It finally annoyed me to the point I bought new ones last week (over mario maker 2!) 

There is something so incredibly cathartic about watching highly skilled Mario runners play extremely difficult courses so effortlessly. I absolutely love watching Mario Maker 2 super expert streamers these days.

Can anyone in America tell me how this form of justice is supposed to work in practice? As in, how do they expect a 23yo kid to have $95k? What happens if he doesn’t have it? Etc.

Slightly disappointed “Starnuts” didn’t make it into the shortlist. Would also accept “Magna Cum Latte”.

What an incredibly stupid, short-sighted design choice. Do GameFreak not understand that a huge portion of their fan base play to “catch ‘em all”? Why build Pokemon Home to be capable of importing your Pokemon Bank ‘mon, but not allow them to move forward?

Great review, Natalie! Enjoyed reading.

Not trolling, burner, but thank you for your concern. 

Of all the animals you could have chosen for your example, why would you choose the one which is frequently used to denigrate muslims in these right wing groups?

I’m quite looking forward to seeing what new fairy types will appear in Sword/Shield. I’ll be a little disappointed if we don’t get a Grass/Fairy Leprechaun. I know it mainly seems to be based on England, but Ireland has so much folklore to draw on. Banshee ghost too!

Isn’t it Yamask that literally states its a pokemon formed from the soul of a human? That’s way more terrifying. :c

Excellent review Heather, now I’m going to buy it for the sheer fun factor you mentioned. 

I just hope Northern Ireland gets a look-in, perhaps in the 3rd title next year. :C

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel doggo pokemon when?!