
I hate to say that it’s a situation where they need to “get a life,” but I think it’s a situation where they need to get a life.

The goddamned snapchat ads as long as two phone screens, the ads that pop up OVER THIS BOX AS I TYPE A COMMENT, the ads that masquerade as articles... you mean those ones?

I don’t think she has any problems with people wanting to be trans. What she disagree is the definitions. What she dislike is that if trans woman are woman then women have to be split in “women” and “women who menstruate” as she so called in that tweet. They don’t have the reproductive organs that women have, they

So the only moral mode of existence is to frame everything as a perpetual war of extremes?

Game seems like it might be good. As a centrist, if I gave a shit about the political views of every idiot out there selling something, I’d be protesting literally everything all the time and would starve to death.

I mean....I get it....you think you are being heroes....but you aren’t. You’re just being reactionary children. Do any of you even give one shit about all the incredible things Rowling has done and will continue to do? You did before. Jesus, this very site and all its sister sites couldn’t blow enough smoke up

A whole bunch of people are going to lose work, and a bunch more work is going to the shitcan because someone has an opinion you don’t agree with. You people are all fucked. Every fucking one of you. Fucked.

the solution is to improve the quality of people democracy relies upon

Now playing

Here are the songs in case you can’t remember what they sounded like:

The privilege is literally oooozing out of every word you just typed. Someone does not “fail” if they do not experience life exactly the same as you do. They are not a “failure” for not having a deep seeded knowledge on all global cultural backgrounds. That’s a far jump between video game cosmetics and your soapbox.

I will assume that at no point in your life have you heard someone say they were upset by something and gone “jeez, that’s a dumb thing to be upset about”. In which case, congratulations on being so very, very noble.

And protesting a cosmetic skin in a video game changes things for the better...HOW, exactly? “Awareness”? Okay. We’re aware. What else ya got? I haven’t heard anything yet about those in charge of such things in South Korea or elsewhere clamoring to change a dress code because people think a digital cosmetic reskin

I hope you already made it through, but on like my 30th attempt I realized the only way to get through him is to just really, really keep the pressure on. I wasn’t able to successfully do the lightning-redirect the game wants, but I found his lightning attacks were mostly dodgeable if you just side step and jump

Yoooooooou only die twice, or so it seems... one death for yourself, and one for your dreeeeeeeeeeeeeeams....

My backlog doesn’t get in the way of my hype. My hype gets in the way of my backlog. 

You are not the only one who noticed that. And I think we all know which side those who sincerely use terms like “triggered” and “concern trolling” generally fall on, so people replying that to you can get fucked.

Yep, Yamask all have masks that were their faces when they were human. There’s been a bunch of references in Pokedex entries relating to people becoming Pokemon, my personal favorite being Kadabra...

it seemed like as the time went on, they went for slightly altered versions yokai. drawing from old ghost stories for their ghost type concepts, if not their design. I am not saying i can match specific pokemon to their folk counterparts, but the general animistic theme, of items acquiring some sort of supernatural

Here is a comic regarding Yamask and it’s evolution.

Yep. The mask it holds is supposed to be what the person looked like when they were alive.