
Great find. Thanks for sharing!

So, with these crazy, obsessed stalker types; what do they actually envision happening after such a drastic action? That her clothes fall off and she runs forward to be with him? Unbelievable. 

Sorry this was taken on a potato, but can we talk about how ridiculously OP we can make them using candy?! I’ve fed my pikachu nothing but Quick Candies and look at its speed stat at level 34!

I sincerely hope Kotaku staff are starting to delete some of these awful comments.

I am completely fucking disgusted by these commenters.

You are a vile, vindictive piece of shit.

Sorry to butt in, but might I suggest The Gospel of Loki? One of my favourite books, if not my favourite. It’s the story of creation through to Ragnarok, told through the eyes of Loki with an incredibly funny sense of humour throughout.

Me too! It’s the closest ‘souls’ inspired game to actually feel like a souls game.


You must be conducting research for the sequel: Dickhead.

You are a refreshing breath of fresh air in this comment thread, and in the never-ending cycle of perpetual victimhood against athletes in the ‘Offended Olympics’.

I whole heartedly agree. It’s just rougher for this dog because he’s been my best friend for so long. Got him when I was 12 so he’s been with me through all the teenage ups and downs and always made me laugh.

Thank you for this! It’s just so sad to watch. Like in the episode, mine has a nasty, nasty cough. :(

As someone whose 15 year old Yorkshire Terrier is living in his last days, I’m gonna have to skip this one. It might break me. :(

You’re doing God’s work, Jason.

I am super excited to see how good Ratchet and Clank looks. It already blew my mind with how great it looked originally. So a Pro Patch is exciting.

It looks visually beautiful, and I’m excited to see how it looks on the PS4Pro in 4k.... but am I the only one who feels like the guns kill you too quickly? Dead in miliseconds never seemed like CoD to me.

Wanted to call my Rowlet ‘Hedgewig’; although now after I see the evolution I’m thinking “Hedgeworth”. Getting a strong Miles Edgeworth vibe.

My bad! Wasn’t aware there was a different Gallon for US and Imperial.

Less than $2 a gallon? That’s so depressing to me in Northern Ireland. $1.42 a litre here. A gallon is roughly 4.54 litres, so we’re getting ripped off big time.