
As someone who lost a 20+ year-old cat a few years back, spend every day you can showing them how much you love them. It probably won’t make the eventual loss any easier, but it will help you to remember just how good a life they led. Our brains are like Teflon for good memories and Velcro for bad ones.

I dont watch this show, nor knew of it, but just reading these spoilers got me crying. Damnit pokemon, you did it again.

Lost my oldest Golden at 12 earlier this year. Like Nikochanr3 said, enjoy the time you have, it hurts enough later.

They already had 3 more years than me. 15-12=3. Sorry.

My Yorkie died at little over a year old because he had congenital heart issues ;_;

He meant that OP at least got 3 more years than he did

Stay strong. Wife and I decided to let my 7 & 5 yr old kids say goodbye to our 20yr old cat. The next day we caught a meowth on P:GO. I swear someone was cutting onions

That really sucks. Sorry to hear that

It feels so terrible but it feels SO good for everyone to spew hate towards Konami

You shouldnt have even responded. Anyone that uses the word “privileged” immediately goes in the retard bin and deserves no wasted response. These people are the literal reason Trump won. Because its all fairlyland and lollipops until you disagree with them.

A gallon in the U.S. is 3.78 liters (goes back to taxation during colonial days). So that makes it a bit less frustrating for you!

That’s because you pay taxes to fix your roads. Gas is cheap in ‘Muricah, but we pay to fix flat tires, bent rims, and prematurely worn out shocks, usually much, MUCH more than just paying for good roads via gas taxes.

Not really. We’re paying more indirectly by subsidizing the fuck out of it so the poor impoverished oil execs can scrape by and put food on the table.

I’m near finishing the main quest right now, and Shivering Isles is currently my top DLC as well. That’s high praise and I hope it matches up when I start B&W.

Steel for humans

If you haven’t played Hearts of Stone, that DLC introduced me to the coolest villain I’ve ever faced in a video game. All the DLC they put out for the witcher 3 is just outstanding.

SKSE requires the creation of a modified .exe file for the game. due to this, skse is an impossibility, unless consoles are just as open as computers

Yes. It’s a script extender. To simplify the explanation, it’s a separate application that launches skyrim, expands what the game can do beyond the initial scope of the dev team, and allows for massive, sweeping changes through mods. It’s not something that can ever be implemented on a closed system like a console.


SKSE expand’s Skyrim’s ability to load custom scripts and other content. Lots of mods that make serious changes to the game require it.