

Holy crap.. PS+ is amazing O_O

it's almost as though Nintendo just held a big and very important presentation on the future of the company....

Wulrus U™

If you can afford the 770 I'd do it but the 760 is definitely going to do well for you for a while if that fits your budget better. Even the older 660 is perfectly fine for every game at 1080p. Your old 580 would actuallys till be running everything like a champ unless you modded THE HELL out of skyrim (and then you

Pokémon X/Y lets everyone know it's your birthday if you're playing online, so they can congratulate you. Also, it gives you birthday-themed pokécakes or whatever they're called.

Look at you all over these comments, working so hard to rationalize your foolish expenditures.


After Halo 3.

Some of you people will take this info and go "Well, 30fps constant is better than fluctuating 60fps". What I take from this is that the PS4 is definitely more powerful and costs 100$ less. I might get one in 3 years, Xbox, niet.

Even if he didn't make a remark about the PC version being in third, you know the PC gamers will show up in droves, circle jerking each other.

It's funny. The only people who seem to genuinely care about PC gaming being better than console gaming...are the PC gamers. Developers don't give a shit who wins, console gamers don't give a shit. Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft don't give a shit. Just PC gamers.

Every time someone mentions console gaming, there's

Not to further the Console War you lovely people are clearly enjoying but What Company wouldn't do that?

You realise almost everyone abbreviates it to XBone.

Understandable, Jason, but how about...

I guess I know for what magazine this guy works...

How much did Sony pay you for this article?

I'm offended only by your stupidity.