
Eh, close enough.

You can redownload any time, until Microsoft and Sony stop supporting their servers for Xbox 360 and PS3.

I know that when games have been delisted and removed from XBLA, you're able to redownload them if you'd previously purchased them. Capcom hasn't said, but I'd have to assume that that's also true here.

No, removed from market does not mean removed from servers. You can still download a lot of software from PSN and XBLA that has long LONG since been de-listed from the respective marketplaces as long as they are in your purchase history/download list.

Now playing

All I can think of when I see Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 is this:

Yep. I fully admit I'm an addict. But you wouldn't get me to do that because I don't want to! And besides, it's not hampering my life too much (well, ok, it has had one bad effect but I'm sure if it wasn't internet or gaming I'd find something else as I'm the queen of putting off what I hate doing so I really don't

I'm sure most of the people saying it would be easy are addicts. Most people who are addicts, don't realize they're addicts. That's why the first step do overcoming addiction is to admit you have one.

I don't think he meant that second part specifically towards you. In regards to you, I think MlkalM only meant that you were being stereotypical by responding to Kolob, who was the one actually acting insecure by attacking you even though you initially said nothing wrong (I admit, it was pretty funny, though).

So they should have... Dropped Trowe earlier?

Shows what you know. I cryogenetically frozen my DNA, backed up my brain to an external harddrive, and taken vows from all major religions. So I'll either cheat death through a cyborg body, reincarnation, or through a ritualistic Highlander-style "Quickening". I think I'm good to go.

If what you do gets you paid regularly...it's a real job.

Saw Boogey's video on it recently and watched Joe's earlier, feel really bad for both of them. It's really shitty and I hope it gets fixed because there's tons of these guys (Joe specifically) who work ridiculously hard at this.
I don't really get the "hurdurhur shouldn't rely on youtube and get a real job" comments

Ouch!!!!!! Your zingers are just killin' me over here!

Just another dilemma for the "PC Master Race".

Looks like the servers are wanged.

alternate title: xbowl vs platestation.

I can't get super specific because part of my confirmation was off the record — meaning I can't report it — but I will say that I talked to a number of people and saw the information in those documents from two unrelated sources.

Attack on a Tight End