
Ill torrent it.

Looks like they're trying to tear their Vitas away.

Mmm... death treats...

I made it about 2:52 in before I had to press stop. How far can you go?

Controllers are absolutely my thing. Keyboards suck, IMO.

Pfft, I bought the photo of the PS4, it has a higher resolution at 300dpi, the Xbox one is only 240dpi! Losers!!

Man, these assholes are the worst. So you want an Yveltal for your Lvl 3 Growlithe? Idiots on GTS make me wish the game was local trade, only.


Don't the people making these calls ever think that the police may have better things to do, like responding to actual crimes and emergencies?

Sounds like you try to play a decent medic. Most people are unaware of this, but you did know that if you charge the defib you get more points and it revives the person with more health? Just letting you know in case you didn't, it'll make you an even better medic player if this is new info to you.

I remember owning the whole lobby in Call of Duty MW2 with my M-16. Well, not the whole lobby as half of them were my teamies. But just as the game ended... "server connection error". :p

Damn it was annoying. I think I had 26-5 or something.

I wasn't let down last-gen. I'm not even lying to myself, I genuinely enjoyed the PS3 and never felt I was missing out when I didn't own a 360. Multiplat titles generally ran better on the 360, and it has party chat, but I can't think of any other reason why someone would be disappointed... I really can't.

Oh, you and your "truth about media bias." We're biased toward publishing interesting stuff. I don't care which console it's about, pro or con.

Pretty blind since you can't even read my name properly. I'm sorry, but you're a picture perfect example of the working way too hard to apologize fanboy. Even going into the claim that you've purchased all the consoles. Yes, you've had a good personal experience, even if you try to brush over the glaring issue with

Serves them right for manipulating us at E3.