
Again, no. Their Day Zero edition may have been Monday, but the official release date was Tuesday 4th November.

Unbound Hoopa is the epitome of nightmare fuel. It's genuinely disturbing. :(

Uh, no. It released for mainstream audiences on November 4th (Tuesday). A 1-day early release for certain preorder types or editions isn't the same thing. Its official release was tuesday.

No because that date is a Monday. Releases are never on a Monday. It's probably something though.

Oooh yes please. Fresh eyes. I've always been meaning to check it out, so it'd be great to see a fresh take on the game to see if it holds up well or if it's just nostalgia goggles.

That Unbound form looks genuinely terrifying.

My strategy has always been to save before the encounter, use a Quick Ball, and repeat if it fails. It's highly accurate for the first turn.

I'd have been miffed if I bought it only to realise it sucked a few hours later. Game isn't out until Friday in Ireland so thankfully I could cancel my order in time. Shouldn't have given Ubisoft the benefit of the doubt after the console parity debacle.

Phew. Just in time to cancel my amazon order. Thanks, Stephen.

Utter bollocks. I'm Irish and I couldn't get a match at all.

QTE funeral aside, after playing the first two missions, it's already miles better than Ghosts. Ghosts really put me off CoD with how phoned in it felt. I normally love the single player campaigns in these games, but I never wanted to make it past the first mission in Ghosts.

I wondered if it was just me. Happened to me last night. Widespread 2.0 problem then?

As a Northern Irish man, I know your pain. I sound like Liam Neeson without the Americanised part (same town). The poor voice recognition killed it for me.

Quantum Break looks good. Not fussed on Gears. Fable has.... potential. Don't like driving games, and Halo MCC is really good value for money, though I don't know about future Halo titles (I stopped caring at 3, though I played ODST and Reach half-assed). Is that all the exclusives MS have?

Your confusing words with antagonistic words. I genuinely want to know if it's worth my while. Soliciting opinions from the community doesn't equate to thinking the article was written for me. Don't be a cunt.

What exactly are the exclusives, besides Halo (mediocre since 2, really) and Forza (don't like racing games)? Gears of War I haven't liked since the first one. Although I like the look of Sunset Overdrive.

I have a PS4, Wii U and Gaming PC. As much as I loathe the design and size of the XBO, I do like it in white.

I hope you're not being serious, because if you're really that lazy you sound like one all encompassing ballbag.


Having been one of the lucky few to playtest the Bloodborne Alpha Test, you are in for a treat with it. It feels and plays like a souls game through and through, though not having a shield will take a lot of getting used to.