
Someone should make a horror game about wanting a worthy sequel to Silent Hill 2.

Solution: Break away from the GamerGate moniker. The term is literally poison at this point. It's been corrupted and bastardised beyond recognition. They need a brand renewal yet still require a little brand recognition. How does GamerFence work for you?

Nope. Destiny's down for me on a 100mb/s fiber-optic connection. You're just antagonistically twattish.

Here is GameXplain playing through the entirety of the demo, and to reiterate what I said in my preview yesterday, the game looks excellent. Dat flight tho.

You've generously over-estimated the IQ of many World of Warcraft players with that line.

As much as I love Borderlands, I wasn't planning on picking this up because of their confusing decision to forego a current-gen release. I got a free copy with my graphics card though, so I'll certainly give it a try.

After playing as Robin, I find it hard to main anyone else. I love his skills and even his A attacks. Was disappointed with Greninja though. Thought I'd like to main him at the beginning.

"Nintendo is kill"

Wow. What a bunch of lazy bastards. There goes my interest in Assassin's Creed.

I think it might be randomised. I unlocked Duck Hunt Dog as my 3rd character completing classic mode. First was Dark Pit, the Falco, then Duck Hunt Duo.

I'm going to buy it for sure, but closer to December when it releases. I'm mainly depressed over Marty's departure. The soundtrack in this game is staggeringly good, and it saddens me to know his worl won't feature in the inevitable sequel.

You're right, Tina. From their post, they actually really like the "randomness" of the Cryptarch (LOL SO RANDUM XD).

I'm not 100% sure. Freeview or Freesat feeds working aren't much to write home about though... I was also wildly unimpressed with Kinect 2. Standing around, talking to myself and repeating myself because it couldn't understand my accent (Northern Ireland) wasn't a fun experience.

Regardless, as a result it's left the Xbox One a gimped console here. It's the same as Nintendo's TVii which STILL is nowhere to be seen here.

Oh God, America. Why?

Not strictly true. Xbox One's full support and feature list is utterly shite in the UK compared to USA, which is why its billing as a cable box is met with apathy and disinterest here - it barely works. USA is the primary market for MS. The UK is a secondary one. All other regions are tertiary in priority.

Praise the Sun!

At the beginning, and for about 4 years afterwards, of last-gen consoles I was exclusively Xbox. I was super hype for Halo 3, and super disappointed when it came out. I just couldn't get past the fact that it played like a tech demo. Each level felt like you were playing a rendered arena and it lacked the magic and

Exactly dude. Hunters might be able to knife things, but is it REALLY as satisfying as force-palming an enemy into atoms?

That's just impressive. Seems like everyone is playing a hunter. Warlock Pride!