
It doesn't require much strenuous thought. The regular retail price was already grossly overpriced for the hardware and piece of utter shite that is Kinect. This new price may be better value, but it's still overpriced.

Here Here!

But.... it isn't a good deal...

Troy was a real place. The fall of Troy involving a sneaky giant wooden horse isn't. That's the myth.

"I will penetrate your enemies."

I mean more in terms of game modes and solid info about the online multi-player, that's what I'm Interested in.

Haven't been trying? I bought the thing at launch. I did my bit. Nintendo have continuously failed to garner both a decent user base and external support. Whilst I enjoyed the likes of ZombiU, 2 Mario games are slim pickings.

Finally, some news! I need to decide whether to sell my Wii U as it depresses me.

What do you mean "u ppl"?!

I don't even play WoW anymore, but I thoroughly enjoyed those patch notes.

Dude I'm from the UK. Northern Ireland specifically. I was taught both ways for comprehension. Were you learning that structure a long time ago? I was taught around 13 years ago, both methods. I can understand if it's because of an older or different curriculum though.

...you do realise there's an "if" before "not the most", right? It's pretty important, because it sets the entire tone and context of that paragraph.

Uh... no... it's really not dude... Not even a little.


~rubbing nipples~ Guess you're pretty bummed out, huh?

Are you retarded or just incapable of reading? In no way, shape or form did he advocate pirating Nintendo games. Emulating a game on Dolphin does not equate to piracy.

I have it sitting in my room. Unable to be played because I'm waiting on my DualShock 4 being fixed and returned by Sony. It sucks having to wait.

Oh cool, super-jaggy bananas! I'm really ashamed I didn't buy into the game's hype now.

I'm actually really excited for this. I was debating on an Oculus Rift for a while, but I just might go with Sony's product now. I'd like to hope there'd be a way to add support for PC gaming too, though. I do really want to experience a VR Skyrim sensation in all it's highly-modded beauty.