

This guy gets it.

The framework is being made by Namco. It'll definitely have online.

Not easy enough, apparently; as I own an expensive gaming rig on top of consoles. But thanks for playing. There's always next time!

As an actual Irishman in actual Ireland, fuck off. There's always at least one cunt in a gaming thread waxing lyrical over PCs. Seriously, just fuck off.

He's just in denial. He'll believe it once he reads it twice and realises it has actually been written and isn't just a vision of the future.

You are the worst kind of dimwitted, fucking gormless, moron. You must believe everything you read just because it's written down.

I feel only pity that it took you a couple of simplistic posts to realise that.

My description of your post was 3 words long. One of which was 'post'. Do I really have to explain the definitions of the other 2 words?

^ Pretentious apologist post.


I think this story really needed the Fedora touch for emphasis on how much of a nice guy he was.

Before my fellow Irishmen and Brits start shitting potato crumpets wrapped in tea leaves, lest we forget the PS3 is region free. Let's just import the uncensored version.

Got one and looked it up. It just contained a hyperlink to your kinja profile. I really hate when dictionaries just show an example of the word in action rather than stating its definition plainly, don't you?

>Calls me butthurt

Obvious answer:-

You need to go and enroll again for troll school. Again, you may fail the entrance exam, but it's cringe-inducing to watch your little circle-jerk unfold otherwise. :(

Wait! So, your point was that you don't like Borderlands because you think Alien Isolation looks better? You, my friend, are a special kind of mongoloid. You're Mongoloid DLC.

Things not a bit lonely up there on your pedestal, mate? You're clearly at an age where you think you're surrounded by cretinous shitheads, but you'll grow out of it and realise everyone else just thinks you're a pompous cunt.

[Shiteation Needed]