  • Arrange them into a large-scale inverse pentagram.

It's also got a 1gb internal memory this time, according to some retailers here. Not 100% on it though.

Never do a straight conversion when dealing with our currency. 9 times out of 10, when a company brings something to the United States for, say, $250; they'll bring it to the UK and just swap the $ for a £, which is disgusting and greedy (especially on digital games).

Plus Bioshock Infinite in EU. Good for those of us (like me) who never got around to playing it.

You really are one reactionary twat.

Well right now I'm leaning towards the 770. I'm hoping it will have a little longevity before I have to upgrade again. Not sure yet whether to go for a Mini-ATX motherboard and make the rig compact, or go big. Or I could go for a cheap motherboard and wait for Intel's Octo-core instead of my planned Haswell i5. I

Yeah, sorry about that. I was reading the article on my phone, and it auto-loaded to someone's comment saying that's why he took the cut, which I mistook as part of the article. Apologies.

Is there much of a difference over the 760 and 660? Or 670 and 770? I can afford it, but I'm weighing up the merits of it - since modded Skyrim is my main reason for doing it again. I can only play through the PS3 version - as I am now - for so long before I have flashbacks to how good it looked with the HD Texture

Did you read the same article as everyone else here? It specifically states that Iwata was asked why he wasn't firing people during an Operating Loss period, and opted to half his own pay to save those staff.

I intend to build a gaming rig again next month. I've been out of PC gaming for 18 months as I previously dismantled and sold my last i7/gtx580 rig a few months after BF3 came out. This time I'm going for an i5. A question for any knowledgeable person, though: should I go for a gtx 660, 670, 760, 770 or what

Uh... I was being facetious the whole time. I honestly don't think anyone - with at least some degree of intelligence - actually believes a console could ever beat out a good gaming rig. The whole point of my post is because anything even slightly hinting that a PC isn't the Aryan Godmen of the technology world brings

Only officials refer to them as secondary schools. Youth and public tend to refer to them as high schools or, in my case, grammar schools.
As for swearing, thanks for your concern but I can't really help it. For one, I'm Irish. For another, trying to make someone look stupid because of a locale difference made me angry.

What the fuck are you talking about? We do call it high school here!

Only by a doucher. Normal people know what you meant. ;) I was being ironic by alsp using the word 'tool'.

I do not envy the inevitable tumblr raid of "check your privilege" posts you'll be receiving, and I say that as someone who absolutely cannot resist the urge to post a "guaranteed replies" post from time to time, just to see idiots froth at the mouth.

Nice dick joke you sexist tool. :)

Even trolls can't escape copyright infringement. :(
Does your firm use ContentID?

After Halo 2.

Couldn't resist.

Are you fucking retarded, or just pretending?