
Are you seriously trying to link me to Cracked.com as a way to prove your point?

Not quite. It comes down to HOW they disagree/agree. For example, his post was laced with passive-aggressive undertones. That distinction is what implies inferiority.

Actually that is how irony works. The irony itself lies in my speaking of inferiority complexes, with his defensively passive - aggressive retort which unintentionally came across as an inferiority complex.

Uh, your defensive, apologist post kind of proves my point about the whole 'inferiority complex' thing.

That was neither funny, nor a story. If you're willing to lie about that, who knows what other spurious information you might reveal. :(

The delicious irony here is you've just proved my point about the Inferiority complex by replying defensively.

You've mistaken my support of the verifiable better of two consoles as support for Sony themselves.

Ohhhh that first sentence has got to sting the pride of the Inferiority Complex-riddled "PC Master Race".

Troll harder, sperglord.

Stating verifiable facts is bashing it now? U fukin wot m8?

Yeah I know. When you look at the internal specs of the last-gen consoles, and see how far we've pushed their limits; then look at the spec of current gen, it's clear we're going to get some impressive looking titles.

Are you for real?

Even on Amazon? Our RRP for PS4 games is £50-£55, which a lot of places were listing Tomb Raider for. I picked it up on AmazonUK for £37, so check out how reduced it is there.

Ordinarily it wouldn't be an issue, but when the XBONE is clearly inferior in internal spec and external performance, yet is confusingly priced higher, it becomes a serious issue.

ResolutionGate has been a thing for a good few months now. Starting prior to the release of XBOne/PS4 at the beginning of November.

That sort of witty response only works if the word you allegedly stop at is at the beginning of the post. You made it over half-way through, which just makes you seem a little retarded more than anything. Just saying.

This is not surprising, given the sheer volume of obnoxious XBone advertising both offline and online (the level of TV ad-space they're taking up is fucking crazy, for a start). Microsoft's marketing strategy has ALWAYS been to overwhelm you so much with their product that you have little brain power left to think

What does Florida want to know?

Ever still the war within my mind rages on. Should I get a steambox, or build my own PC? The choice is looming.
