
I guess he ran out of Live.

My name is Michael McCook. Can I join your club, or is it Cooks only? Do too many Cooks spoil this broth?

Good for them, using an ancient tool from 4chan and partyvan. I'm going to bet these guys are in their mid-early teens and find the idea of being a 'hacker' just by typing in a URL into a program amusing.

>tfw good internet

We pay £26/month (about $42) for 76mbs max speed, though my area hits about 59mbps (6MB/s) downstream and 16mbps upstream with no datacap.

I live in a rural town in Northern Ireland. I get 90mb/s fiberoptic broadband with no cap for the equivalent of $40/month. As I said, I can't speak for the rest of Europe, but here in the UK/Northern Ireland, we're fine.

Get a better provider then?

I can't speak for the rest of Europe, but we have pretty sweet internet in the UK.

He didn't pay for anything, he built it himself; and he didn't win anything, he's just using an automated RNG - which, again; he programmed and built himself.

No. Not even a little. I haven't enough adjectives to augment how 'NOPE' your logic is.

You kidding bro? Shiny Crobat would rock.

Protip: UK Insurance policies on flooding are not the same as US-based. We're not routinely hit by storms and flooding here, so it's not normally a separate issue.

Dude we're having severe fucking storms over here at the minute. Unless you count Acts of God as foul play, then don't be ridiculous.

Assassin's Creed 4 for PS4, a buttload of money, bunch of clothes and - embarrassingly - a wolf onesie which I have no idea why my mum decided to buy or thought I'd wear. She wanted some sort of 'onesie day', which is fair enough; but don't fucking make me look like a furry! .___.


To those of us without legal knowledge, it's the same word. Are we going to get uppity cunts like him bitching at us for talking of theory-as-idea as oppossed to the scientific definition next? Wise up.


Owen True Pairing?

Including this upcoming MK, there are 11 Mario Kart games.

What do you mean she looks Irish? Racist.