
Wait, what? Your complaint about getting a bunch of AAA free games is you have to download them? That's why you think Gump with Gold is better? Top fucking Lel m8.

Playstation do fantastic deals, too. Assassin's Creed 4 yesterday (and today) for £17.99. Not sure the equivalent exchange rate, as it has an RRP of £54.99, so let's assume $20.

Mark my words, ye prophets of olde. This is a time when the great, sleeping behemoth - Gabe Newell - will rise like a mighty colossus and unveil a service whereby LetsPlayers can upload their runthroughs, monetize (with publisher/developer blessing) and get things right. It shall be called YouCube - a reference to the

Grrr. I'm so angry I could just download music illegally. That'll show Copyright Law. Fuck that guy. Who the hell names their kid "Copyright", anyway?

We got a whole bunch of Wii JRPGs for a long, long time before the US did, to the point some fans started Operation Rainfall.

Wanted to buy it today but chose to pick up ALBW instead. Definitely gonna pick it up over the next few weeks though. Sorry you guys have to wait til Feb.

Thanks for the plug, definitely gonna give it a chance. PS+ offering from next week is fairly decent, though I already own Borderlands 2. DmC will be something nice to play during the holiday break. Those games are excellent at stress relief, I've found.

I know. I'm just bitterly resentful because I no longer have a bitching PC (had to sell the parts, bit-by-bit during a particularly taxing final year of University). Truly felt closer to God when it was turned on. [miss u bb gurl]

>This is what PC Elitists actually believe

You reckon it has some form of Aspie-rage (i.e. a "change is demonic, any form of change should be burned alive" mentality) as the cause for the majority of its negative press? It certainly seems that way.

Youtube should rename their service CuntID, though whoever thought automated bots was a good idea has already been ID'd as a Cunt, so I suppose there's not much point.

Never played this one, though was a previous fan of the series. Going to give it a go since it's free on PS+ next week. Is it deserving of all the hate it got, or was that just a fanboy thing? (my abstaining from it was due to time constraints and a game backlog, not issues with the new direction)

You should stop letting Truth jack you if you're so against it. Nothing wrong with being jacked by Truth. He's gentle.

Corporate shill pls go

Almost certainly not Twitch. Their management are horrible, their staff mildly retarded and their content aggressively vidya-only.

You have the right to remain muted. Anything you type can and will be used against you in a Court of Lawl.

That better have been a euphoria-induced *sigh*, Brian!

This makes me feel ill.

I'd like to thank the Academy...