
I'm pretty sure he was asking why there was a "freeze.reboot" infinite loop command programmed for the console, not why there was a developer mode in the first place.

UK PS4s didn't. :(

It should be noted that £429 is the RRP in stores for XBone here. The guy paid £450, so our own retail prices are close to $700. Bit ridiculous, yeah, but if the guy thought he was getting a console, close to christmas, without a preorder and only paying £21 more than in-stores, it would have been a good purchase.

Jason, why must you hurt me so?

Not at all. You're just tremendously full of shit if you think that South Park was anything other than a satire piece. When they say "Xbox won the console war" it wasn't because the console was better - in the episode - it was because a heavily tattooed Bill Gates brutally murdered the Sony executive and it was a

Uh... no. They are not getting tired. That episode was about Stan having Aspergers. Not being tired. The rest of the kids weren't involved.

Someone has spent far too much time around Willy Wonka.

Is that because the only people still interested in Microsoft products are complete tits?

I didn't know that actually, thanks for the tip dude!

brb cutting self ;_;

Up until yesterday I wasn't sure what all the fuss I was reading about PS4 BF4 was about, as I hadn't really had any problems. BF4 is a learning curve game for me, getting used to BF again, as well as getting used to the DS4 and all that - which is really just a roundabout way of saying I suck at the game right now.

"Now Showing Results for "Let me fuck my brother/son" with "Incest" Happy Browsing!"

Doesn't matter, you're still acting like a fanboy. I could READ your erection from over here.

Nope, they do not. CoD's purported fps drops were actually stuttering due to the game running at more than 60 fps instead of a 60fps lock. It's been patched now. Everything else is perfect - especially Battlefield 4. Still amazed at that one.


They should patch in a command for Kinect in which saying "Xbox, stop being shitty." frees up a substantial portion of the system's reserved resources.

They should patch in a command for Kinect in which saying "Xbox, stop being shitty." frees up a substantial portion of the system's reserved resources.

That should read "this is my weekly limit for talking like a fanboy." - but somehow I doubt that.

There's your error. This isn't a gaming news site. It's a blog that covers gaming, amongst other things.

Uh, no. Just no.
He was comparing gays and fat kids because an asshole or a bully just sees you as "a faggot" or a "fat fuck". They don't waste time in thinking "he chose to be fat, let's pick on him!" Or "He didn't choose to be gay, let's beat him up!" - they just see a victim with a neon sign.