
Uh, no. Just no.
He was comparing gays and fat kids because an asshole or a bully just sees you as "a faggot" or a "fat fuck". They don't waste time in thinking "he chose to be fat, let's pick on him!" Or "He didn't choose to be gay, let's beat him up!" - they just see a victim with a neon sign.

Fuck off Commie.

Did anyone else enter full-scale panic mode? In the sidebar list of recent articles, the PSN Problems article is directly above the Crazy Hack article. As I glanced briefly I only absorbed the words "PSN" and "Hack", and promptly shat myself.

Are you quoting lines from The Dark Knight Rises?

Given that they released this shite, they should already feel bad.

I guess you could say... it's just not cricket.

Definitely pounds, mate. PS4 rrp £349, plus GAME's Vita bundle at £140 is a saving of just over £10. No real incentive at all.

I got a 3G Vita with 8gb memory card + sports pack games (none of which I wanted, but they were sold out of the Family Pack which had LBP Vita included...) for £140 2-3 weeks ago in GAME.

As an outsider to both your country and your politics, I have to say you're not very clever at how politics work.

"Xbox OFF. Permanently."

Boogie is fucking awesome. The only reason I go on YouTube nowadays is to see his videos.


Brainstorming here.... but what if P5 was set in a young offenders centre? Hence the Ball&Chain motif? Could be interesting.

You are livin' the dream!

Liking a culture and wanting to imitate it is racist now? Fuck off, America.

Haha, okay.

Whilst Black Friday is very much an American thing, as a Brit I think it's pretty cool that AmazonUK and GAME are doing Black Friday Deals over here. Whether there will be anything decent or not remains to be seen, but I like it!

I mean I called it that some gormless fucking twat would bring up that ridiculous "rental" argument.

Of course it would still sell, just not nearly as effectively. There's a lot of psychology at work in the practice. They are trying to tap into a carnal lust, and use that lust to influence your purchase.

Fucking called it.