
Uh, yes, it is. If you go on any forum, message board or site that's owned by a company you don't have legally protected free speech. If they remove your content, they are within their rights to do so, but it's still censorship.

Oh cool, thanks for helping me out, man!

Motives don't factor into what makes something censorship. Whatever reason he had for doing it, it's still censorship.

I can't... that's the point. Direct ea.com links don't work for the UK. They redirect me to Origin's storefront.

Since this links directly to the Origin store for UK browsers, can anyone tell me what the updates/fixes/bonuses actually are?

PS4 launches on the 29th here, I'll have mine by Friday. Getting the Killzone/BF4 Action Bundle from amazon. Really looking forward to it. Praying it works okay, too...

One of IGN's have just broke. They updated their article with a vine. Same disc tray problem.

It's what's known as deceptive trollbait, and depending on your reaction to what I've said, tells me quite a lot about you as a person. Your passive-aggressive response to ScienceNanime piqued my interest.

Stupid sexy pirates!

Because he actively looks like a rapist.

Uh yeah that example is pretty much the definition of censorship....

The noise of the disc in that last vid is making me cringe. Hope you Xbox owners/fans with problems aren't too widespread. Broken consoles span across the brand loyalty divide.

That fucking gif... Can't stop laughing.

First achievement's free!

just like i destroyed ur mums anus lmao

I lost it at Ha Ri Nil Sun.

Thank Thor she finally removed it.

Ebin rade m8 B)

Very similar format to the old Ricky Gervais XFM radio shows, which I also love to listen to. Fantastic stuff!