
You can read the apology in full here, as well as a more detailed breakdown of everything that happened here.


You must be too young to remember the horrible period of time when paedophiles disguised themselves as public schools and libraries. Dark days, my friend... Dark days.

Are you for real? PC gamers benefit MASSIVELY from this new gen. No longer will they receive ultrashit 480p-upscaled games with pisspoor framerates and physics. The games on console-side will now look great, and as a result, their PC counterparts will look even better. This is a good thing.

He is just utterly brilliant.

>what is satire

How much blood is leaking from your anus right now? :)

It's not a point of view. It's well known. KOTAKU have a fucking article on his remarks.

Sony absolutely were the underdog this last gen, and executives like Aaron Greenberg knew it and played it for all it was worth in the media.

Launches here next week, but thanks for your concern. :')


Really? Just do a google search for Aaron Greenberg.

You win for The I.T. Crowd reference. Chris Morris is excellent, not to mention a world-class troll irl.

Google the definition of anguish some time mate. Enlighten yourself.

[citation needed]

You mustn't be old enough to remember just how badly the shoe was on the other foot last gen. Microsoft took EVERY opportunity to lambast Sony at EVERY turn, to the point where it ended up looking like a playground bully picking on a weaker kid.

Gotta love trollstation. Can't wait for the anguished cries of XBO fanboys. :')

Sorry, I should clarify... I mean I'll watch an episode, then it'll put me off the show for a few weeks/month, then I'll watch another - at such a slow pace that I basically forget the previous episodes (including the fact I got bored). Essentially, I'm trying to force myself to like it on account of the proximity to

I want SO much to love this series, because it's filmed about 10 minutes away from my house. But I've yet to be able to manage more than an episode at a time.

Oh... okay.