
As someone who purchased a Vita 3G a week ago, and just finished my first ever runthrough of Persona 4 Golden, I'm in love with the handheld.

I'll bet that murdering PS4 is still at large, too.

If only there was a good guy with a gun to stop them. :')

I don't like her. Nothing to do with her views on feminism, or women in any media. She just has a face I'd be wary of trusting.

Carrickfergus is my side of the woods, in Northern Ireland. We have lots of silly town names.

Well of course not, it doesn't launch until the 29th here.

Fuck, just saw this. I literally just posted asking why nobody had made a Kimono Dragon joke. Well played, sir!

Nobody made a "Kimono Dragon" joke? For shame.

Well, Destructoid rated it a 9/10. But to each their own.

It's not that it deserves a good score, it's that it was marked down for things all other FPS games are known for. Following FPS cliché isn't a negative anywhere else, and certainly not strong enough to warrant a resounding NO.

No, their review of Killzone was pretty rubbish due to giving it a "NO" because it had FPS-clichés. Something most people expect when playing a FPS.

Not necessarily. I think Kotaku ran a story a few months back about the situation with these student interns, and it was the PS4 they were working on at the time. Not apple stuff.

The rumour isn't to do with your normal Foxconn worker. It's to do with the students they gave 'forced internships' to, where instead of actually shadowing something relevant to their studies; they were put on the factory line full time for peanuts. It's the students who didn't appreciate it that are the source of the

Lack of empathy is literally the only reason I can think of for why people are so outraged over Obamacare.

Well that's a given for any country. I'm Irish myself and we're just as deep in economic shit as the next country. However, as long as it remains cheaper for outsourcing of work, it's never going to be fixed. :(

I don't think it has anything to do with America... Sony are a Japanese company. The Foxconn factories would exist with or without them. A couple of posts from that thread did mention that Foxconn (for full workers) is actually one of the better jobs you can get as a worker (I haven't researched it myself, so

I really hope there's no truth to that rumour involving the Foxconn interns intentionally sabotaging PS4s as a "fuck you" to forced labour.


I hope we do get different batches. Mine is from Amazon UK, too.

Fucking hope mine doesn't come from there.