
Has technology reached the point where we can enter the midnight channel yet?

Why, comma?

Thank you! Glad I'm not the only one!

You got me. I laughed.

That guy's voice really, really pisses me off for some reason. There's something intrinsically annoying about it, but I can't figure out what.

As tongue-in-cheek as that was intended, I'd wager that's a pretty legit factor.

You've misunderstood. I'm team PS4. The OP is the idiot thinking there's widespread failures. Though he also thinks Kotaku is biased towards Sony. I'm proving that's not true.

Looking forward to jumping into some PS4 multiplayer with this. Just sucks I have to wait 2 weeks till it launches here.

Did you pick up your PS4 last night dude? So initially you had a fault due to swapping a larger hard drive in before first boot, but now you swapped back, ran the update and it's working? How about the bigger hard drive now?

It's a reference to the south park clip, dude.

Jesus Fucking Christ.

Lifted directly from the article I linked:

Yeah? Their broken PS4 article contains information about the other sites. An article on broken PS4s - in ANY respect - is hardly favouring Sony.

This is rhetorical, but are you retarded? They've had several stories on 'PS4 failures', try reading the site in future before acting like an utter tool.

Because it's insanely thin?

The box is tiny.

It's a demo mission showing gameplay. Chill the fuck out.

You are going to wake up from this dream tremendously disappointed. If I wasn't just dream-filler, I'd feel bad for you.

It... it just looks exactly like Ragnarok...