
Totilo's nanomachines are acting up.

It's not required when it's an article on Rape as opposed to Sex/Porn.

Well I suppose the system needs at least one massive fan.

(I'm kidding too!)

Yeah, you're wrong dude. It can support external drives for media, but not for running games off, like you can do with the Wii U. So there's a plus.

The fact you're experiencing confusion regarding your pre-order is your true self telling you what you really want. ;)

You guys have been on one hell of a recruitment drive lately. Are numbers really that bad?

The irony here is delicious.

Mother of TV's. I'll bet you could get a crystal clear picture from the Midnight Channel on that thing!

I wish I had a Brack Friday Bundaru. My AmazonUK PS4 just comes with Killzone and Battlefield 4. But man, I'd love one that came with 4 controllers and a pre-order for MGS5.

Well, in fairness, it still exists in the real world. Only in place of griefing players, we're griefing Taliban.

What a short attention sp-Oh crap look, something shiny!

Uh, what? The system takes blu-ray discs for its games, exactly like PS3.

The Game of Thrones parody in this episode was fantastic.

If their releasing a third game then it must have a following or something.

That feel when outclassed by a Sony product under a controlled scenario. :'(

Whilst there is no cure for being completely autistic, there is treatment. You owe it to yourself to get help.

At the moment you can't share to anywhere other than Facebook/Twitter, but you can host a stream on Twitch. YouTube is coming later along with others.


Yes. I replied to several others with the link in this thread, but here:-